World Serpent IIII

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(Author here! The chapter will also contain grief and loss. With that said, enjoy another chapter!)

Satomi rushed forward and blew a massive punch at Fox which she dodged and let a sword strike follow. Satomi avoided the strike by jumping back a bit and landing right infront of a glass table.

"How do you call the voice in your head, or rather the Herrscher persona?" Fox had asked but Satomi was done talking.

The young Valkyrie purposefully looked at the balcony of the neighbours which was in Fox's blind spot. The serpent member of course noticed that and spinned around awaiting to see something that grabbed Satomi's attention but there was nothing.

The serpent member felt something hard shatter against her body. Glass fell down onto the ground. It somehow did no harm to Fox but it gave Satomi the opportinity to get behind her and
blew a massive Honkai energy wave against the back of her enemy. The force behind that hit was enough for Fox to let her sword drop.

The serpent agent flew right through a wall and into the kitchen. Satomi picked the sword up and held it closely to her. Rather then letting herself think about the sword and what to do with it, she used the second she belived she has to examine the energy wave she just unleashed.

"It was never strong enough to do that. If I do another one just a bit stronger, it would tear a normal human apart...and a Valkyrie would be heavly injured if not dead with one as twice as strong." Satomi thought as she speeded inside the kitchen to look if Fox was conscious or not.

The enemy was indeed laying on the ground, seemingly defeated. However, Satomi's gut told her the woman was only tricking her into a trap.

What would be the best to do now?
Attacking? She killed her father and who knows how many other people. Surely no one would bet an eye if Satomi stabbed the woman. No one would bet an eye if she just killed the World Serpent members with it.

Satomi looked down at the sword in her hands. She had only a bit of experience with a Katana, Mei showed her the basics. The reason why Satomi always prefered to use her fists was because she felt like had more control over herself.

She was someone who did not want to kill everyone who came across her way.
She was better than that.

Because a Valkyrie fights for all that is beautiful in the world and doesn't destroy what she hates.

"Done thinking?" Fox asked as she struggled to stand up. Blood dribbed down her head. Satomi looked her dead in the eyes and prepared to launch another attack on her, having the enemys arms in mind.

As she looked at her targets arms, Satomi peeling off? There was no blood around so what was that.
At closer examination, the Valkyrie noticed a shining silver on Fox's hands where the 'skin' was missing.

It wasn't flesh. Her hand was a cybernetic prosthesis and god knows how much of her body was as well.

"You like it?" Fox asked with a unserious tone. "I definetly like these more than any flesh. Protected by the strongest metal on earth, quite nice."
Fox had explained.

Did Fox replace a part of her body with cybernetic prosthesis at will or did her hand get lost in battle and was then replaced.

That also throws in the question how Satomi was supposed to beat the enemy.

"An electric shock maybe? It would be worth a shot but I have no such ability."

Satomi thought and started another attack against her enemy. Satomi threw swordstrike after punch after kick but Fox always dodged and attacked back, letting both dance around eachother.

"I could try to use my energy wave again but her being thrown through god knows how many walls could harm someone in the other apartments. Teleporting on the ship? But that brings the others in danger. Transfering the fight outside? She could run away if she wanted to." Satomi's ideas became more and more risky with no promise of success.

"This gets too hot for me. I harmed her family and she almost died but this kid is too stubborn. Just like you sister. I should call it a day by now, her father can't spill the beans now." Fox was planning on how to run away, that was for sure.

Satomi prepared a trust with the sword but Fox's lowkick hit bad against her rips. She used the moment to slip under Satomi and ran into the livingroom.

"I don't think I can get her now." Satomi knew this fight was leading to nothing.
She ran after Fox but the woman jumped out of the balcony down to the next building.

"I'll get you next time." Satomi said and let the sword drop. Her Herrscher outfit dissapeared as well.

The time to fight was over.

Now it was time to grief over the lost once and let their souls go.

Schicksal HQ: 8:49 a.m in the morning:

Everyone at the HQ was already working, even if the day was supposed to be a calmer one. Durandal and Rita, as well as two Immortal Blades, came back from a mission just now and Otto came out of his office to greet the brave Valkyries. Beside him was Amber, of course.

"Greetings. Your mission went well?" Otto asked calm and gentle.
"It did. No one was harmed and we managed it to get everyone to safety." Durandal said.

"That is good to hear. With the loss of two whole units of Valkyries that defended Schicksal with every passing day, we got to be careful. I would like to put you and Rita up for another mission alongside Satomi Geto, after the mourning ceremony of course." Otto said.

Another airship landed right beside the Immortal Blades airship. Rita looked over to it as it's doors opened.

"Understood." Durandal said. Amber did a few clicks on her screen and then spoke up.

"No ship was suposed to land here at this time." She said and everyone looked over to the ship beside them, just to see a bunch of Mechs coming out from it, preparing their rockets.

The two Immortal Blade's positioned themself before Otto and everyone drew their weapons and started shooting at the Mechs. Rita and Durandal were about to get into close combat but it was too late, many rockets where flying towards them, the ship was about to be hit as well! It would explode and go up into a fireball if Durandal wasn't going to act now.

She grabbed everyone and activated her ultimate.

"King!" She shouted.

(Author here! The whole part of where Dudu protects everyone is just like when she protected herself against HoS just so you better understand what I am going for.)

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