Never out of energy

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The three weeks in the Salt Lake Base was suprisingly quiet and nothing had needed the attention of Satomi. She had stayed awake long into the night and trained to turn her ideas into reality.

But duty first. It was in the middle of the night when Welt, Einstein, Tesla, Satomi, Martha, and Theresa met to disguss something urgently.

"Thank you all for comming this suddenly." Welt greeted them. He was the only one standing while the others where sitting on a chair, all in their pyjama. Satomi couldn't help to notice that Einstein and Tesla where wearing matching sleeping hats.

"We may have found the spy on the Hyperion." Welt said. Finaly some progress.

"Where they already arrested?" Theresa asked. Welt nodded.
"An hour ago." He confirmed.

"Has she spit anything out yet?" Satomi asked.
"That is where the problem starts." Welt said and pushed up his glasses.

"The spy's name was Marie von Leuchtenberg. Shortly after her arrest she killed herself by taking poison that was hidden in her mouth." Welt informed them.

The air around them was suffocating. So they kill themself when captured.

"Up to the next point I wish to adress." Welt started. "We lost contact with our Mech units at Kings Peak, Tokewanna Peak and Gilbert Peak. It is unclear if they are destroyed and we need the experienced Valkyries for this one." Welt explained.

"I recommend to not use Seele and Kiana for this mission." Tesla said.

"What, why Kiana?" Satomi asked suprised.

"Kiana still seems to be sad over Mei. Sending her on a mission could end bad." Tesla spoke out her worries.

"She can come with me and Elham! Let me just ask her." Satomi said confident.


The World Serpent had no intensions of picking a war with Anti-Entropy, but this was something that needed to be done, for the sake of the organization and it's future.

"Raven, Fox will give you a chance to attack the escort of Cocolia. Your mission is to kill her. If you see Elham, get rid of her too. There is no need in harming anyone else then these two." Kevin ordered the assassin.

"As you wish." Raven said before bowing and walking out of the throne room.

She and Elham had worked for a while togheter. They kinda grew up togheter in this organization, Raven under Gray Serpent and Elham under Jackal. Still, Raven had no remorse in killing Elham. She was a traitor after all.

Mei was well aware of the upcoming mission of the two females. Fox had been bragging about it for a while now, how she is going to beat Satomi up. Her worries wheren't for her Sensei. Satomi would never lose to a woman like Fox.
No, her concerns where towards everybody else in the base.

Her dear friend Bronya, principal Theresa, Dr. Tesla and Dr. Einstein, and of course Kiana. Well, worring for Kiana was normal for her at this point in time but it never dissapeared.

She couldn't care less for Cocolia. The woman who framed her father, marking him as a criminal, and who ruined her life isn't her concern.

Mei had no real idea of who this Elham was so she had no intrest in what happened to her.

"Raven." Mei hid in the darkness of the hallways. No one was there to listen.
"What is it, Dragon." Raven asked, using Mei's codename.
"I heard about your mission." Mei said cold.
"Let me guess. You want me to not hurt your little friends, especially not your Ex." Raven said. Mei wasn't suprised that Raven was correct with her assumption. She also ignored the Kiana comment.
"That puts it well, but I only care for Kiana, Bronya, Satomi-Sensei, Dr. Einstein and Dr. Tesla, and principal Theresa." Mei confirmed.
"Sorry kid, thats gonna cost ya." Raven demanded. Sure Kevin told her to not hurt anyone exept the targets but Raven had a whole Orphanage to send to college once they where old enough.
"Money is not a problem." Mei told the assassin.
"Perfect. Concidering the fact that it makes my mission a lot harder, and the fact that I have to avoid getting beaten up by six people, it's gonna cost you 725.000.00$." Raven said. She was an expensive hitman.
"Concider it paid." Mei said and quietly left, footsteps echoing away from Raven.

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