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It was the first time Mei ever saw Satomi visibly shocked, all because the revelation of her Captain supposedly being a Hybrid. This whole situation was fucked up.

"You lie! I saw pictures of her from before the second eruption and you are too young to be a scientist since then!" Satomi said, her sentence was a bit weird and her accent came back a bit.

"The computer in my office has every file on every person who I made a hybrid. You can check it out upstairs. The passwort it passwort." The doctor said.

Satomi sprinted away towards where they came from, Elham wordlessly following her. The white haired one was faster then her and by the time she arrived Satomi was already at the computer with tears in her eyes.

"Found anything?" Elham asked.

Satomi nodded, she was one click away from opening Martha Von Radetz's file.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Satomi asked, sounding betrayed.

"Now, why don't we first look what is in the file and then we talk." Elham proposed and stood beside her girlfriend, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

The file confirmed that Martha came in 2011 to the doctor to become a Hybrid. It was a susecfull operation, with the exeption of Martha's life span being most likely shortened by about twenty to thirty years.

Satomi felt a sudden urge to jump out of the window and end the pain in her heart. She spared the tears she had right now for when she was alone.

"How could she?" Satomi asked whimpering and stood up.

"Let's go home." Elham said and Satomi just nodded.

When they stepped out of the office Raven and Mei had arrived with the doctor in custody.

"You can have her.'' Satomi said, putting on an act of apathy. Elham followed quietly as Satomi walked out of Mei's and Raven's sight.

"What do we do now?" Mei asked, watching her teacher go.

"Copy all the files on the computer so that we won't be suprised by another talking head. Then we go back to base and deal with Akiko." Raven said.

Right, her time was up by now. Mei had already forgotten.


To say Satomi was a mess during their trip back to Salt Lake Base was an understatement.

"I don't know what to feel. I trust her with my life, agreed on every mission she gave me and now this." Satomi said.
Elham was beside her girl, having set the ship on autopilot.

"Now, do you actually belive Martha had ill intentions the whole time?" Elham asked.

"I don't know. She is a character to say the least, but I thought she told me everything. Should I be mad?" Satomi asked. Obviously the white haired Valk wasn't in the best shape.

"How about you simply talk it out? Hopefully you will be suprised and she tells you...I don't know. Something good." Elham said.

"Aren't you concerned about the World Serpent involvement?" Satomi asked.

"I mean, it is eyebrow raising that two top agents where there, but there where hundrets of names on the list."
Elham said and held out an USB stick.

Satomi looked at the small black piece and smiled, almost laughing as she pulled out a Homu themed USB stick with Hola's face on it.

"I wonder who gave that to you." Elham said sarcasticly.

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