Dear Sister II

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Their ground team had called in reinforcemence, with Bronya briefly telling them that Mei was there and resisted them arresting her.

"Shit, any ideas how we can get her on board this ship without causing a ruckus?" Satomi asked.

She, Fu Hua, Elham, the twins, and Kiana where trying to figure something out.

"I fear we have no other way of defeating her." Fu Hua said.

"Can't we teleport her away?" Rozaliya asked.

"Before I could open a portal she would beat me up." Kiana said.

"I could try, but she is clever and wouldn't engage in close combat. She got a sword, she'll use her range." Satomi said. "I guess I could try detecting her energy now that we are so close."

To Satomi's suprise, there was a diffrence in the energy. She couldn't feel Mei but there was still a fragment of her power in where the building was. More over it was connected to the Herrscher of Thunder, and while Satomi couldn't feel where Mei was exactlt, she could make out a place where the blade's connection to it's wielder ended. Yeah she can work with that.

"I can feel her sword. It's connection ends where Mei stands, and I can work with that much." Satomi said, an idea crossing her mind."Kiana, you think you can open a portal from a distance?" Satomi asked.

"I'm not sure, though if you would help me navigate I maybe could." Kiana said.

"Alright, and how do I help you navigate?" Satomi asked confused.

"Oh it's easy. Like, I just touch you and we combine our energy. Then we do our thing." Kiana explained.

"Sounds complicated. Maybe we are lucky and Mei doesn't move." Satomi said half jokingly.

"Then, how about I simply make her stay in place." Fu Hua proposed. The team looked at her as if crazy.

"Go take your shot." Satomi said and shrugged with her shoulders.

"Kiana, who teached you this energy combining trick?" Elham asked intrested.

"Oh, I kinda just came up with it, but it is possible to give some of your power temporarly over. We just have to try." Kiana said.

"This sounds as if bound to fail." Elham whispered.

"The other option would be to fight. Now, Fu Hua makes Mei stand still as long as she can and you guys do your teleportation stuff to where ecactly?" Liliya asked.

That was the big question. Somewhere contained, somewhere a Herrscher couldn't break out.

Suddenly Kiana snapped her fingers.
"The holding cells here on board of the Hyperion! When Himeko-Sensei captured Mei-Senpai right after Nagazora, she locked her in there too." The tuna said.

"Alright." Elham said. "I'll stay with you two and make sure nothing disturbs you. The twins go down with us but stay on stand by until further notice." Elham said. Everyone agreed.


Einstein and Tesla where awaiting news from the Hyperion or Ajax.

"If everything went as planned Ryoma should be free by now." Tesla said worried, sitting infront of the communication pannel in her office. "Just waiting for their sign." She said.

Welt came into the lab, two cups of hot tea in his hands. "I'm sure they will call in any minute. Even if they encounter Raiden Mei, they can handle it." He sat down beside Tesla and gave her a cup, the redhead taking it gladly.

"Honestly, I hadn't expected that Ryoma and his daughter never reunited after Nagazora." Welt said.

"I did propose to give her his contact infos, but she declined and immediantly changed the subject." Tesla said.

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