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Akiko was wandering alone through New York City, returning from meeting someone who could get her into hiding. It worked semi-well.

Her whole plan had backfired, and now she had to somehow get out of the World Serpent's grib. Her last resort was a small video that would maybe work on Raiden Mei.

Her years in Schicksal and the Serpent had taught her that her goal of destroying the first organization was impossible with how she was born.

The worst was to see Otto sitting on a throne while overhearing the cry's of his victims during his human experiments. Akiko knew there where like minded people, but who could be strong enough to do this?

Out of nowhere someone pressed a gun at her back and forced her into a gap between the large buildings.

Walking around a corner and being forced to lay down on the ground, she spotted Raiden Mei waiting for her. If a gun wasn't pressed at her back, she would have found it amusing how the Herrscher petted a cat with brown fur.

The animal leaned into the touch and moved her head along the arm sling the Serpent agent wore, but Mei's face didn't change a bit.

"I'm almost done here. Better use these few seconds to give me a reason to not kill you right now." Mei said and continued to pet the cat.

Akiko thought hard. What would the Serpent want? What would the Dragon infront of her want.

"I know where the woman who was with you is. Your personal matter, remember?" Akiko asked.

"After shooting her and letting a Herrscher walk around freely in the body of a beloved friend, you better have more to offer." Mei said and released the cat from her grip.

She pulled her sword out and was ready to kill her in one swift motion.

"Wait I have proof! There is a surveilance video of the woman who was with you on my phone." Akiko said a bit panicked.

Raven, who was forcing her down the entire time, checked and showed Mei the video.

"Seems like this is true. You know what, we let you go." Mei said, to Raven's utter suprise and confusion. She stood up regardless.

Akiko couldn't feel her legs anymore, despite standing.

"I know, but I'm sure someone with such ablilitys as Akiko can find out how the core of the Herrscher of Wind came to the body of my teacher." Mei said.

"I-I will, and I'll bring you whatever you want. When I found the Herrscher she was already like this but more miserable, and I made a deal with her. She would destroy Schicksal and I would get her a new vessel." Akiko admitted and the gun moved from her back to her head.

"Why not reporting it?" Raven asked.

"Because the Serpent would have never made a move against Schicksal, let alone after the Sire and Otto made a deal!" Akiko reasoned.

Mei stretched her hand out and Raven handed over Akiko's phone. The Herrscher typed in her contact number and saved it under the name 'Blade'.

"I want daily reports. If you have nothing to offer within the next 24 hours you are dead. If you decite to do anything I won't like, you die. If you can do your job and give me valuable information, I will let you life." Mei said and took Akiko's hand, giving the phone back.

"Now piss off." Mei said cold. Raven put the gun away and they watched as Akiko retreated back to the lively streets of New York City.

"Was that a good idea?" Raven questioned.

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