Hunter and Pray

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(Sorry for not updating, kinda got a writer blockade or whatever this is called. Also, thank you for almost 2k readers in total!)

Getting into the ship through a broken emergency exit was the easy part.
"It seems like the ship has lost it's power." Fu hua stated.
"The door should have been closed. The Bronya agrees on class presidents opinion." Bronya said.
''If the ship lost it's power, how does it send a SOS signal?" Kiana asked.
"Probaly the emergency system. Let's move." Martha simply said.
The others looked at each other and then followed their leader.
The hallways where scary and dark but nothing the Valkyries couldn't handle.
They reached the bridge in under a few minutes but the door was closed.

"The Bronya will try to open the door." Bronya said and a holografic screen appeared infront of her.

While Bronya did her magic, Kiana noticed that Fu hua looked at Martha as if she was observing her. The S-Rang didn't let herself get bothered by that and just looked at the door. Kiana wondered if they had any issues with one another. She gave Fu hua a susbicious look.

"Done." Bronya said and the door opened.
"Good work." Martha said and gave Bronya a headpat. The groub walked into the bridge and was suprised at best. Blood was here and there on the walls and on the ground but there where no bodys or a bigger pool of blood.

"Take a look around." Martha said and walked up to the main terminal of the bridge. The team spreaded out and looked around for some trades.

Martha made a few clicks on the terminal. They where lucky that the power worked on the bride.
It didn't take long before she found out that the SOS signal was infact send by none other than the captain. The codes used to unlock the terminal where his and he never logged out.

"Seems like something brutal happened here. I need to hunt it down." It said in Martha's mind.

"Bronya, can you find out how the ship got down?" Martha asked. Bronya appeared from behind another terminal and nodded, begining her work.

"Hey boss, I got something!" Kiana said from below. Martha jumped down to the white haired girl, Fu hua joined them too. Someone wrote something on the ground with a black pen.

It was just a name "A code." Martha spoke and already got why someone wrote it on there.

"Schicksals secret code for an emergency caused by someone or something from outside." Fu hua said and looked at Martha.
"Correct. This confirms that someone who didn't belong here was on board." Martha said and started thinking.
"You seem to know quite a lot, don't you?" Martha asked. Fu hua didn't comment that.
"Maybe they sneaked in at the ships last stop. Hey I kinda feel a weird tension between you two." Kiana said and looked at Fu hua and Martha.
"That is the most likely thing that had happened." Bronya said from above. "The ships last stop was at a Schicksal base at the border to the next country. Afterwards it seemed to lost it's originial route. Last reports the Bronya can get are about an explosion in the storage hall." Bronya said.
"What did they load on board?" Fu hua asked.
"Supplys only. That are all informations the Bronya can get." Bronya said and stopped tipping on her holografic monitor.
"Don't worry Kiana. Fu hua and don't have a problem with eachother. Right?" Martha said with a smile.
"Right." Fu hua said aggreing.
Kiana didn't belive that.
"Our mission ends here. We probaly won't get anything more in here. We will make our way to Satomi and Mei. Kids should be in the storage hall by now." Martha said.
"The Bronya detects Honkai zombie activity near us." Bronya said.
"I suggest we move carefully and try to avoid them." Fu hua said.
"Agree. Bronya infront of us and Kiana behind us. Fu hua and I guard the sides." Martha said and the groub nodded.

They started their way to the storage hall. Honestly, they where walking painfully slow. While they all understood that it was nececarry to have a good guard on a ghost ship, Martha found this way of moveing horrible.

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