Welt Yang

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Satomi woke up alone in her bed, skin sweaty and a deep feeling of fear roaming over her whole body. It took her a moment to realize that she was in her bed, on the Ajax. She was safe.

Satomi took a moment to calm down and pull herself togheter before she sat up on the edge of her bed. The events of last night came back, how Elham had hugged her and how she accidently told her friend how she feels, regarding her previous failures.

Elham wasn't there anymore. Satomi stood up from her bed and grabbed fresh clothes before taking a shower.
After getting out of the bathroom, she walked to the bridge. Elham was there with Levi.

"Morning guys." Satomi said.
"Morning. We'll land in half an hour so get ready, Welt Yang will greet us." He said.

"Realy?!" Satomi asked exited, her voice cracked. She cleared her throat. "I understand. I'll go back to my room until we land." She ran out very quicklt.

"Satomi, wait!" Elham said and wanted to run after her but Levi stopped her. The guards at the door where ready to defend him if something happens.

He looked her in the eyes. Levi could tell that something happened between the two, and it was better to sort this out as fast as possible.

He let out a sight and rolled his eyes.
"I'll be right back." He said to the crew.
Levi gave Elham an nod in approval and they walked out of the bridge to get to Satomi.

Satomi closed the door behind her and jumped straight on her bed.

"Why did she want me to wait for her? Because of last night? Ugh Fuck me." Satomi said to herself. A few minutes passed before someone knocked at her door.

Satomi stood up and opened it to see Levi infront of her and Elham waiting behind him.

"She wants to talk to you." Levi said. Satomi nodded, knowing that Levi was not happy to leave the bridge to play babysitter. "Come in." She said. Elham walked in and the door closed again, leaving Levi in the hallway.

"Sorry I had to leave yesterday, Martha ordered me to go back to my room." Elham apologized.

"No, it's fine. Sorry that you had to see me like this." Satomi said, embarrassed of herself.
"Sato, it's okay. I know it's a hard time for you." Elham said warmly.
"You...aren't angry or something?" Satomi asked.
"Not at all. I want you to tell me when you feel bad so I can help you." Elham said kind.
"O-oh." Satomi said, her face turned red. "Hey, uh, when everything has calmed down a bit would you like to go.....out with me?" Satomi asked out of nowhere.

Elham's heart skipped a beat and she felt flustered. Never in her live had someone loved her that much to ask her out.
"Sure." She said with a smile. A moment of silence followed.

"I-I should probaly g-go! Levi is waiting." Elham said and pointed at the door behind her.
"Oh sure sure! I'll see ya later!" Satomi said. Elham left her room with a smile. The door closed and Levi raised an eyebrow.

"I guess it went well?" He asked.
"It did." Elham nodded, still smiling.


The Hyperion and Ajax have arrived safely at Saltlake base. Welt was in the hangar, awaiting the Crew. The Hyperion crew came out of their ship first.

"Welcome back." Welt said.
"Hello, Joachim. Where there any incidents on the base while we where gone?" Einstein asked.

"No, luckly not. I have read the reports regarding the mission." Welt said.
"We will start identifying the corpses and contact their family, if they had one." Einstein said.

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