“Jessica, what are you doing? You need to go to your dressing room now!” she yelled, then ushered me in the right direction.

“Okay, okay,” I said and walked to my room. Closing the door, I saw Michaela still with the smirk on her face. She’s such a loser.

For the next painful 10 minutes, I was thoroughly attacked by Pablo, my make-up artist, Jeanie, and the outfit stylist, Marilyn. By the end of the dreadful (yet familiar) routine, I was sore from head to toe. They wanted me to be perfect and dazzling for my last appearance. And I was. My final outfit was a simple silk tank top, for sleeping. Accompanied with it was a light pink tutu, and pink high heels with satin ribbons designed to look like ballet shoes. My hair was tied up into a messy – but neat at the same time – bun, to maintain the traditional ballerina look. Every inch of my skin that was exposed glittered faintly from the light. It looked amazing, but I had to pay the price. I could feel my pores crying out in pain right now.

It occurred to me then that this entire thing was crazy. Jake, Scarlet, Michaela, Annabelle, Pablo…everything was out of balance. If someone had told me a month ago that in 4 weeks time, I would be the model of La Ballerine, I would have laughed in their face and then perhaps recommended some psychiatric help. But now, nothing seemed to out of reach. For the first time, I didn’t feel like I hadn’t accomplished anything – I felt like now, I could do anything I wanted to.

Michaela and Scarlet started walking up to me. I braced myself for whatever snide remarks they probably have prepared.

“Jessica,” Scarlet said in a voice that was completely not her own. It sounded sweet and caring. Michaela looked like she was struggling to keep her composure, but made no move to talk.

I gave a curt nod to both of them. “Michaela, Scarlet.”

Scarlet looked around like she was unsure what to do. Or maybe she was looking around, nervous that she would get caught for what she was about to do next. “I just wanted to apologize,” she said finally.

I gave her a look to tell her I’m not convinced.

Her face was crestfallen, but still a persistent expression remained. “I know that I haven’t been very…pleasant to you,” she continued, “but now I realize that I was really, really wrong. I’m really sorry.”

My face remained unmoved. “For being a bitch?”

She cringed at my bluntness. Michaela looked surprised for a second before dropping her nail filer.

“Listen Scarlet,” I began.

“Jessica,” she cut me off. “Just listen okay?” She paused, waiting to see if I was going to cut her off. I didn’t. “I know that we’ll never be the best of friends,” she said. “But I just don’t want to continue on like this with you hating on me for no apparent reason.”

No apparent reason. I wanted to tell Scarlet that she was being ridiculous. If this is what she calls an apology, I don’t want it.

Scarlet has a hopeful appearance on her face. Her eyes flickered down to Michaela, and a smirk crossed her lips. “So do you think we’ll be okay?” she asked.

I sighed. “I don’t really think that –”

The smirk on her face grew wider. “Okay, at least I tried.”

Before I could say anything else, she skipped away with Michaela. The only think I could think about that was how weird it was. I mean, I understand how dreadful it must be for Scarlet to apologize to somebody else even though she knows deep down she’s high almighty and she’s never wrong. But I couldn’t help but thinking why now? Was it because she realized that I’m finally becoming somebody bigger than she is? That she’s not better than me anymore?

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