Nightime Activities P.1

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Monday, 6:23 p.m - SuperStar Daycare

I had finished reading the employee handbook, and it sure was...helpful? 'Good to know what I signed up for but a bit concerning that if I just died then no one would be at fault. I mean..I couldn't possibly get hurt here so thats fine, I'm fine..', I was in deep thought when I felt eyes on me.
I looked up and saw Sun towering over me looking concerned.

"HellLlLloooOo! Just checking on you friend! Making sure you were all alright!", he put a thumbs up and leaned closer,"Well are you alright starbeam?", I couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed whether it was because of how close he was or that I broke one of the rules in the handbook by looking not my happiness, I guess that didn't matter."Well uh..",I rubbed the back of my neck nervously before grabbing my checklist,"I'm fine, just deep in thought. Thanks for asking, do you need any help? My shift ends in a liltle bit over half a hour now so I want to get everything done and cleaned up with."

"Oh thank you SOOOO much! If you could get this...", he looks down at himself and points towards his pants and chest area,"All this glitter glue and mess from food then..that would be GREAT!", I giggle and nod before standing up out of my rolling chair and going over to the supply closet at the far end of the daycare, going inside and beginning to search for cleaning wipes.

Moving different containers, boxes, items it was all so much crap that was just in the way, 'why were there so many miscellaneous items in here?'. Moving to search the other shelf I notice names..different names all in binders?'Why are these in here? I'm so curious..I'm sure no one would mind if I just',I curiously grabbed a binder filled with papers and read the name. 'W. Afton ....", I recognized that name somewhere, but where?

' ah hah! Okay I have seen this face when doing research on this place..well the liltle research that I did. Must have been a employee or one of the owners...', I sigh before suddenly remembering something.



"Shhh..shh..stop crying. STOP CRYING...YOU BITCH THIS IS WHY- THIS IS YOUR FAULT..YOUR FAULT I JUST CANT DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE", a maniacal laughter can be heard. I am in a woman's arms while this man yells at her..who are they?"YOU SO..OH SO USELESS!", he huffs before shutting a door behind him and walking closer as we scoot back,"Give me her. NOW Cl-"

I suddenly snap back to reality as the storage door opened and I quickly shut the binder before sticking the binder back in place and turning to face the door.

"Good evening Ms. L/N, Sun told me you were in here. What were you looking for?", a dark brown hair colored man said to me in almost a  snobbish tone. I looked to his name tag which read' Security Guard - Dominic, Dean '. I tried to hide my emotions by showing a more nonchalant facial expression before stating,"Oh hello, I apoligize I don't think I've seen you before? I was in here looking for some disinfectant wipes to clean Sun with before I finished my shift."

He cleared his throat before looking at me skeptically,"Ah, alright. My name is Dominic, I am one of the Security Guards here and I was just checking to make sure everything was fine.", he peered behind me before taking a step back and checking his watch,"I am the last Security guard here..well human one here for the night and I will be heading home soon. See you tommorow even if you don't see me...",he had mumble that last words under his breath so I couldn't hear yet I got a bad feelings about this guy yet decided to brush him off. "Ah okay! Thank you so much Dominic have a great night.", I said emphasizing his name as to seem more like a threat, heck I didn't know what game this guy was at. He nodded before handing me disinfectant wipes,"Well, I'm suprised they haven't given you a tour yet..there's not that much cleaning supplies and usually the cleaning supplies is in one of the higher floors in staff rooms.", he grabs my wrist and opens my faz watch before labeling a location pin to a couple of staff rooms and letting my wrist go. I take the wipes hesitantly and nod before watching him turn around and leave. I decide to exit the supply closet to not seem suspectful.

Walking over back to sun I suddenly tripped and felt arms wrap around me as I was pulled back up,"Oh-oh thanks Sun!", I stood up and dusted off my clothes before realizing I had glitter glue on me and I groaned and facepalmed."YEP! Just keeping ya safe! ", he leaned around me and looked down before standing back up straight,"You ya want me to BEAT UP THE GROUND FOR MAKING YOU FALL?", he said energetically as if to make me laugh, I couldn't help but reminded me of my parents. My smile slowly faded and I looked down, reminiscing before feeling a tap on my shoulder,"Hey! You alright? There's showers here for that staff so you don't have to worry!", I look up to him and place my hand on his,"Its fine, just sit down so I can clean you up, okay?".


Tuesday, 12:33 a.m - SuperStar Daycare

"All cleaned up!", I say triumphantly and watch Sun give me two thumbs up as I stand back up,"Now time to head home finally...", I sigh and walk back over to my desk, checking the phone time. "1:34...what? How is it so late?!", I mumble to myself before feeling a presence behind me."Oh you were in the supply closet for a REAAAALLYYYY long time! A couple hours or so..",Sun laughs before looking back down then standing to the side of me and leaning on the outside of the desk. I look confused and baffled and end up stuttering out,"W-what? No way! It felt like I was in there for a couple minutes..that's so odd..", Sun only shrugs and nods in agreement.

I grab my bags and items before waving goodbye to Sun, with Sun looking confused yet waving back happily. I make it to the entrance of the pizzaplex before noticing all windows and doors shut.'What the...' I thought to myself before facepalming once again and grumbling under my breath,"I'm a stupid idiot...", before sighing and walking back to the Daycare with my head down and hopes in myself crushed.

I arrive at the daycare and noticed the lights off before opening the doors and grumbling under my breath,"Another night...". I then head inside and groan. "UggGghhhhHH!!", before having the feeling of being watched. "Back so soon~?", before hearing chuckling and light footsteps.

I turn around and say sarcastically,"Hey Moon, came back just for you, let's play some games to get to know each other better". I heard a scoff and saw a wide smile while I looked up at him,"Ofcourse? Expecially with no ... kids around.", his voice just robotic enough for me not to be able to tell if he meant any direct meaning.

{Sundrop & Moondrop × Y/N} - Female ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang