Breaking N' Entering

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Thursday, 9:20 P.M - Home

Placing your hands over your eyes and groaning before spreading out over the couch and sighing. You were bored. After loosing your job earlier this week you had nothing to do but apply for more jobs...

The cycle was like this: Wake up, eat, apply, eat, cry, eat, sleep-, and you really needed a change of pace..something daring. Something new.

You slowly started to grin to yourself as you thought,'That new pizza's so grand and one would notice if you just stayed the night and explored? Right?..Right...?', as you thought to yourself you shook your head after hearing a creak...A creak coming from your bathroom...

Then you got up slowly and opened the bathroom door *creaaaa..aaak...*, nice and slowly and peaked your head inside. Walking in, a tad worried before deciding to check the sink and then....


Surprisingly you were quick to move out if the way but not before getting splashed in the face and you walked out of the bathroom, furious. You decided to go after all.


Thursday, 10:15 P.M - Car

Has driving always been this exhilarating? I mean going this speed must mean something...nevermind that, you had put on a completely black colored fit and wore a black hat, hoping to just seem like a kid going through  a phase instead of a criminal. The plan was to go inside, hang around, hide and then when the pizzaplex closed you would come out to explore. Thinking ,'After all its my first time here. I'm sureeee this will be fine...


Thursday, 10:46 P.M - Mega Pizza Plex

You step out of your car and stretch before grabbing your bag with oh so needed 'suprise supplies' as you called it. You walked inside and..

'Wow..', you stood there in awe, bright lights flashing, children running, the speaker saying the pizza plex will close soon-..WAIT..'WHAT?!  JEEZ I NEED TO FIND A PLACE TO HIDE!', you panicked to yourself, clearly you didn't think this decided to skip the line and sneakily hide anywhere...

As you searched looking for the perfect spot you couldn't help but notice the abundance of robots? A ton..doing what would be human jobs? The place seemed really advanced.

~ hid inside a trash can, 'Not my best moment...', you start to check your bag and realize- you forgot your phone! That's not the only forgot your watch..your flashlight..and even your gosh darn pepper spray! So much for 'suprise supplies', you thought as you facepalmed.


Sooner or later the sounds of children decreased..and it sounded like the pizzaplex had closed. You forgot what time it did close but nonetheless you climbed out the trashcan, falling over and making a loud *CLACKbshshhh...*, tumbling out of the trashcan. You froze for a moment... took a deep breath in and out before grabbing your bag and beginning to explore. You walked around a bit and started to notice just how dark everything really was...until of course you saw security bots starting to roam around. You decided to be more stealthy and ran your hand across the wall. Being on the ground floor of this giant pizza plex you decided to open this random door just to give it a try and start somewhere. However it just had to be locked. 'I can barely see! Where the heck do I go..', you wondered to yourself as you continue to follow the wall you came upon a slide? Well felt like it. However it was pitch black inside so of course you would never..nope never. You started to hear mechanical wheels.. and saw a flashlight looming nearby.

You sighed and decided to take the risk, after all this was why you were here. To be dangerous. You put one foot in..put your bag in between your lap, put your other foot in and sat before sliding down.

{Sundrop & Moondrop × Y/N} - Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now