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Monday, 12:45 - SuperStar Daycare

My alarm went off and I quickly shut it off before going up to the light switch.

"Alright everyone! Listen up~ it's time to take a nap okay? Our good friend Moon will help you!", I smiled and looked at Sun. He nodded and I nodded back before turning off the lights.

I heard gears turn and rustling before that voice was heard again..

"Hehe..hi children. It's time to take a nappp~ you wouldn't want to be naughty right?", he said, not even glancing in my direction as he walked towards the kids. He started fixing up a sleeping area with sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, before singing a lullaby for them to rest..

" ♪Naughty Naughty time to rest.. Naughty Naughty lay in bed
As your brain runs wild
Do it a favor and sleep child♪"

It didn't sound too bad. I even started to get a bit woozy but decided to stay awake, so I pulled out my phone, put it on low brightness, and focused on it. When I looked back up the children were asleep-yet.. moon was no where to be found.

"Moon?", I whispered out as to not wake up the kids as I pushed my chair our from the desk and stood up cautiously.

"Moon? Mooon?", I continued to call out in a whisper as I left my desk and began to walk around. I then heard foot steps behind me. I turned around and looked slowly.

"Deja Vu~?", he whispered and crouched down to my level."Er...."

"Someone called my name.", he said so nonchalantly."Ah yes I just didn't see you so I wanted to make sure you were safe you know?". "Safe?", he let out a chuckle,"I can assure you that I can handle myself. Glad to see you got a new...hobby..or job.", he said in a sarcastic tone. I got embarrassed knowing what he was referencing,"Well- uh yeah! As you know I'm the new Daycare manager and in turn I need to keep tabs on everyone and everything...>and my job isn't isn't a intruder anyways..<", I muttered the last words under my breath. He seemed so indifferent.

"Ok. Was that all you needed?"

"Oh yes- yes thank you. Also if you could just keep that entire...event from last Friday underwraps, that would be great..", he nodded and you went back to your desk.


Monday, 1:35 - SuperStar Daycare

You got up from your seat and started to wake the children up. 'It's probably best if I wake them up with Moon rather then that whole ball of energy Sun-', thinking to yourself. Moon just seemed to pop out of nowhere as he started to wake the children up as well in a soothing tone of voice. 'Was his voice always this comforting?', the thought passed your mind, but then again he is supposed to be like that. The daycare attendants are supposed to be comforting...

After getting all the children awake and dimming the lights, you observed Moon talking and having fun with the children in his own version. He shared stories with the kids and told everyone to participate. It was really sweet, really.

You couldn't help but wonder,'Why would they even need a human manager? They seem to do fine on their own.. maybe I'll ask Sun later since he seems more talkative.' You sighed and went back to scrolling on the company provided computer.


Monday, 5:35 p.m - SuperStar Daycare

Iver's parents finally came to pick him up so I grabbed his backpack and explained what happened in a friendly tone. After that was all done I spotted Sun cleaning up so I went over to him, tapping his leg.

"Hey Sun?", I said in a cheerful tone. He turned to me and I noticed his smile was wider,"Yesss? Hello Friend! WHAT pLeAsuRe~ do I have with YOU here?", I chuckled laughing at his animated like personality."I just wanted to ask why you guys need a Daycare Manager? After all you two seem to be holding up well.?", I then held up my phone so he could see a article on it,"The daycare has been open for a liltle bit over 8 months why all of a sudden now?".

I can notice how Sun looks uncomfortable due to his sudden change of actions, yet he keeps up his smile,"Well..well starbeam parents are more comfortable leaving their children with a human here! aNdDdDd.. The managers at Fazbear Entertainment want to make sure the consumers are happy! Of course you also do check ups on us and make sure we are in the BEST shape!", he does jazz hands before going off to clean another item. I decided to leave him alone and go back to my desk.

As I sit at my desk I can't help but feel immense boredom wondering when my shift would end. I took out my employee handbook that I had already signed without thought and finally began to read.

{Sundrop & Moondrop × Y/N} - Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now