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Tuesday, 8:23 p.m - SuperStar Daycare

I had left the lights off after all the children had left and the daycare had closed for the day, yet even a hour later Moon hadn't said anything directly to me or showed any gesture that he would want to talk. It was definitely unerving thinking of everything that I could have done wrong and I am not one that likes confrontation.

I had just put the broom and dustpan back inside of a storage area and walked back to the Daycare, going through the doors instead. As soon as I walked in I spotted moon sitting on the ground seemingly waiting for me. He stood up and walked towards me with a more mellowed presence. I closed the doors behind me before walking up to him.

He stood arms crossed looking down at me before speaking,"Ask."

I wad puzzled for a moment before remembering,"Oh- erm..when we were talking earlier who was the person you mentioned?". He chuckled before looking at me with dead eyes,"Do I say? Do I not? I have noticed you haven't been answering my questions all that truthfully."

"Just tell me, please. It might ..help with something else", thinking of how possibly this guy correlated to the company in some way. Maybe I could ask him questions or just SOMETHING, I need answers..

A smirk appeared on his face as he started to tap his feet slowly on the carpeted foam floor,"Knowledge for knowledge. You help me, I'll help you." 'What information could he possibly need- I'm sure that the a.i that's running inside of these bots must allow them to know everything?!', I thought to myself and agreed to it with a bit of paranoia.

"Okay, sure just..anything that won't kill me"

He nodded and smiled with a more sinister way, should I be terrified, or should I be TERRIFIED.

He leans down eye to eye at my level and I try to back away to put some distance between us before he places his hand on my back and pulls me in. It's not like I like being this close to someone so..soothing, even with his voice seemingly like smooth chocolate that has been just poured into a pan.. no-no.

I blushed at embarrassed for my own thoughts before he spoke again,"Stay close~ wouldn't want you to not be able to hear me..", he leaned in closer to my ear, his voice rumbling throughout. It felt exhilarating, what would he do..

"He was just someone that built Sun and I long ago..not anything for you to worry about darling~ He's most likely very..non existent anymore..", I glanced to my side and saw him smirked at my flustered expression, then quickly I looked down to avoid his entrancing gaze.

"Uh-uh..what was his name?", I mumbled out and clearly that set him off. He kept his hand on my back and placed his other hand on my throat, backing me up against a wall looking pissed.

"Focus on me for once, your so dense..",he groans before moving my head to look directly into his eyes once again. Was he about to kiss me? No- no no...that's stupid I should really say something..."..."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Nothing, quiet yourself down. I gave you information and now this will be what I need"

"W-Wait what do you nee-", I abruptly was cut off from speaking when I felt his metal surprisingly soft lips on mine for less then a second before he pulled away, seemingly upset and looked away from me.

"You..you humans, your feelings..my feelings. It's all a shamble..", he mutters to himself under his breath, I couldn't help but stand there in shock."Why..oh your so interesting..", he places his lips on mine again lingering longer then before..why don't I pull away from him?! This is weird- right..a animictronic..

I stand there as still as a robber getting caught until he pulled away seconds later, releasing his grip on my throat and moving his hand away from my back.

In a somber tone he spoke,"Why don't you ever care to be near me without asking questions?", I placed my finger on my quivering lips for a moment before responding,"I'm sorry- I'm sorry okay?! I didn't know. How was I supposed to know your just so distant..can you even have feelings?!"

It was like a passion of fury relit in his eyes as he looked at me. His usually quiet footsteps were louder as he walked back closer to me,"I-we are living. Not breathing, but living. You are the emotionless one!", he sputtered out and it hit like fire specs from a campfire. Of course I did feel certain things but it was weird to dwell on feelings towards a robot?! Can a robot even consent.. Not the topic at hand.

I placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.Of course what I learned was thay he could be valuable for information, but in this way would I truly be using him? This relationship must be more then just coworkers at this point..possibly friends, friends help other friends. It's perfectly reasonable to think of it from this point.

I sighed before gesturing him to lean down and I put both of my hands on each side of his face. "Listen, I'm sorry I didn't..I didn't realize. Let's just talk, do you want to talk?". "What difference will it make? Im right. I know I am.". He grabbed both of my hands and held them over my head in a threatening manner.

My heart was beating, the sides of my mouth curling upwards, butterfly soaring in my gut, was he right? No. No..I do like him..possibly more then anyone else.

"No- no!", I quickly stutter out,"I..I really do feel for you, I think of you a lot and-", I went silent for a moment. If Sun could see what was going on and technically they were different people would I have to win them both over? I mumbled incoherently under my breath and continued.

"Let me..let me make it up to you", I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him on the lips lovingly for a minute or do before pulling away for air.

His smile was genuine, warming my heart. Would it really be a problem if I just..went further?

I propped myself closer to him once again and trailed from kissing his face down to his neck when he abruptly stopped me with his free hand being used to push me up against a table with the way his eyes glowed dimming it wouldnt be a far stretch to mention he may have liked it. Another thing I noticed was I heard a slow whirring sounds from him, similar to how a chromebook overheats and makes a sound after keeping it under the blanket or cover for long periods of time. Was he possibly heated? He must have enjoyed it.

"Go home, go home..it's past shift time.~", he spoke in a soothing tone once more. "Wait- no why?", I was confused and concerned on what this conversation was left at. I knew another time I would need to bring it up, however with him letting me go and shooing me out of the daycare I  knew that for now I should leave it alone.

I went home with my head swirling with many thoughts. Between the back and forth discussion in my mind the two top topics was my new posibly relationship with moon and how much more I needed to learn. All I needed to do was search up is who built the animictronics, that's step foward.

 All I needed to do was search up is who built the animictronics, that's step foward

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{Sundrop & Moondrop × Y/N} - Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now