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You whimpered before opening your mouth to speak,"W-wait!", you put your hands up defensively and it stopped moving, just staring down at you.

You took a deep breath and continued to speak,"I er...I do not want to die andtobehonestIdidnotreallymeantocomehereIjustwasuhmistakeplease-", you continued on rambling before it spoke once again.

"Tresspasser....", it said before grabbing me by my shirt and lifting me up to stare at it's eye level.

I dangled as I was too far off of the ground for my liking. I continued to spiel,"Uh-uh..sorryillleaverightnowitwasamistake- PLEASE DON'T KILL ME". I continued to speak before it cut me off.

"Do you know who I am...?", it said, oddly more calm. "No?", it smiled as it put me down,"Its past your bedtime~", seeming to think what to do it then continued,"You are a tresspasserrr.... shall I call a security guard?", it smirked looking down at me. I didn't want to go to jail- or even worse prison! Just because of some dumb mistake..well not mistake but- but bad choice! So I shook my head no as it continued to lean over me. It then out stretched its hand.

"Trust me. I'm the daycare attendant.....", and what he said just sounded so demonic..so untrustworthy..

"Stand up.", it said in a demanding tone and so I did and punched it


"Ow, ow, ow!", as I retreated my fist and rubbed in,"Oh frick what the heck..Owww.", it just stared at me, looking at me with dead eyes before sighing and grabbing me.

"Fooool....~", it hissed, sounding so threatening. "Er well I apologize for sure  Ididnotthinkthatwasgoingtohurtandimsorryand- and er uh just..just could I leave now? I won't come back I swear! Well don't swear but like you know?!", I couldn't see its face, it was too dark, couldn't tell if I was dying today or regretting yesterday tommorow.

"Naughty Naughty...The pizzaplex was closed. As in no one gets in and no one gets out.",as I start to look for a way to get out of its grasp it flicks my forehead once ,"Ow!","Pay attention darling."

I nod as I feel uneasy,"Sorry..", 'wait why am I apologizing? Oh right I don't wanna die.'

It begins to chuckle, it makes my blood run cold.

"It's past your bedtimeee.... However you are such a interesting liltle thing so I'll keep you here with me.", it grinned again

"uh okay just...just put me down. Please? Uhm monster..robot...thing a magy?"

"My name is Moon.", it said flatly as it through me back on the ground and seemed to be examining me. "Tell me your name....intruder."

"Y/N! Y/N of course..haha...haha..", you nervously chuckled before scooting backwards and grabbing your flashlight and pointing it at Moon. You didn't notice before but you could see what the name came from....

"Alright....I had so much funnnn with you, yet I do need to go.", he looked towards a light switch before staring at me for a couple more minutes and seemingly dissapearing.

I put my flashlight to my side and stared at the darkness for a little longer before laying on the ground and taking it all in. 'I'm a criminal! This is fun-!', I said trying to reassure myself.

Then I realized,"Wait..wait..I never heard a door open.", I quickly shined my light on several places but didn't see that monster- I mean animictronic- I mean Moon. Then I saw a light switch caught my eye and I walked over to it curiously.

{Sundrop & Moondrop × Y/N} - Female ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon