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There's a God in the sky, don't believe him.
Don't be scared of that feeling, you're in love.

I wasn't able to think straight. I didn't know what it was like to not understand a person before. With the right proximity, I knew how anyone was feeling, I could detect the smallest changes to their emotions during conversations and visuals. I could determine whether that person was a good one or not with their emotions. I could understand people, I was good at that.
But when it came to Ethan Ferris, I got nothing. I decided to accept that and focus on his body language, tuning into each bodily movement so I knew which one linked to his expression.
I was good at that.
Though clearly not as good as I thought. One moment I was high on it all, enjoying the warm body next to mine, loving his voice, his smell, his laugh, his touch, then the next he was acting as if I didn't exist.
I wasn't good at it after all. A sense had been ripped out of my mind and I remained useless to myself when it came to him. Just when I thought there was some sort of romance, the flirting, the sparks when we touched, there wouldn't be.
I couldn't think straight.

For the sake of both of us.
For the sake of both of us.
For the sake of both of us.
Us. 2. More. Plural. Me and him. Him and I. Jasper and Ethan. Jasper Hale and Ethan Ferris. Ethan Ferris and Jasper Hale. The both of us.
For the sake of both of us.
I had to stop my feelings for him to help the both of us. I didn't want the help, what would doing that help me with? Why would it help him? What was he worried about if he didn't even have feelings for me?
Why was this boy so goddamn complicated? Why couldn't he just tell me what he was feeling so I could help him? That was all I wanted to do.
"You have a strange expression Jasper,"

I looked up to see Rosalie leaning against the doorway of the library. I returned the books I had in my hand onto the shelf that they belonged to.
"Was just thinking," I brushed off her concern and turned to browse the books that I hadn't read yet.

She didn't correct me, but did raise a perfect brow before running her finger softly against the spines of some sci-fi novels.
"So... what happened with Ethan?"

I grounded my teeth together and didn't acknowledge her question right away. There were so many things happening with Ethan.
"He'd stolen the page from my book,"

She didn't react to my words but her emotions turned to ones of frustration. She wasn't frustrated with me, but for me. One thing that I absolutely adored about Rosalie was her constant protection that she gave to everyone.
"Why did he do that?" She asked curiously, pulling out a book, grazing her eyes over the blurb before pushing it to her chest then turning to lean against the shelves.

"Because I'd written about him," I admitted shamelessly, "I'd confessed everything I felt about him on that paper,"
Rosalie clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, still evidently annoyed.

"When you confronted him, what happened?" She asked for more information which I was willing to give.
She'd already made it this far, why not open up more?

"...--For the sake of both of us," I repeated, the words feeling like they were clogging my throat, "Does that mean he... you know,"
I avoided her eyes. Rosalie was thoughtful and caring, but she also said things the way they were and I didn't feel like having that thought rejected with her dark pupils staring back at me.

"It wouldn't surprise me,"
My eyes met her in seconds. That answer surprised me, but her confidence shocked me even more.
"If he's ignoring you or not, he lights up when he sees you,"

I had to control my expression carefully. The temptation to smile so stupidly after that was significant.
"So there's a chance?"

"There could be many, but I'm not the psychic," Rosalie pressed her lips into a thin line before pushing herself off the bookshelf, "But be careful. If you continue to carry the bricks from your past, you'll end up building the same house,"
Nobody could tell me what she meant by that, yet I understood it perfectly.
Before I could relax in the comfort of her words, we were all called into the dining room by Carlisle that was only used for family meetings.
He felt panicked, which was rare for Carlisle and brought out anxiety for me. He was pacing whilst Edward stood near him with a grim expression.

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