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If you were a drug, I'd be high as fuck.

Although I had agreed to be leant against the front of the school, the fact that I was actually doing it was crazy to me. The plastic bag filled with cigarettes and alcohol weighed down in my hands, not because it was heavy, but because reality was hitting me too fast.
I was going to go godknows where with a human boy to do godknows what and smoke and drink until our bodies gave out?
Biologically speaking, since there was no blood running through my body, getting drunk was entirely possible as there is no other fluid to dilute the alcohol content in my body. I wasn't too sure about the nicotine, I'd have to find that out later.
Half of me wanted to back out, run to the red Convertible where Rosalie was giving me a raised eyebrow and a slight smile. It was like she knew how nervous I was. I hated it.
Actually, I hated the whole thing.
This was ridiculous, I was not about to get drunk with some random human just because of some lie?
"Jasper, sorry, my teacher kept me behind,"

Yes I was.
And the thing that changed my mind? His shoulder gently brushed against mine and a thrill burst of life breathed through my entire body and had me clenching my jaw to stop some lovesick smile.
"It's fine," I replied, hearing Rosalie's engine burst to life.

I shot her a look from the corner of my eye. Despite providing me with the lie I had quipped earlier without even thinking, Alice had seen my other decision and probably told Rosalie to stay just in case I did leave.
"Do you have a place in mind?" Ethan wondered, rocking on the balls of his feet, following my gaze to the red car.

"No, not really," I admitted.
Was I supposed to know a place to go underaged drinking? Apparently, though I didn't and I didn't want that to make me seen unexperienced.
Luckily, the boy beside me didn't seem phased, instead, a smirk grew on his face.
I watched his features carefully. He looked so mischievous and thoughtful it made my whole body tune out everything around us to just bask in the sight of my mate and his slow thoughts.

"OK so you know how I never told you an illegal thing that I've done," He turned fully towards me, his grin growing.
I nodded, hesitant.
Ethan seemed like his list of law breaking could range from jay-walking to kidnapping so I wasn't exactly braced for what he could say.
"I'm kinda really cool at this one thing that you have to see to know,"

"I have to see to know?" I repeated, the words seeming silly, "Can't you just tell me?"

"No," He scoffed with a laugh, "It's in the woods, I found it the other day and I had to claim it,"
I frowned as he stepped forward and started to walk down the steps of the school. Following in pursuit with the only thought being Ethan's words, I was quick to catch up, not wanting to stray from his side for long.

"Claim it?" I wondered, not entirely bothered where we were going, not even when we entered the thick trees filling most of the population of Forks.

"You'll see," He hummed, stepping over some rocks.
I frowned again, but didn't let it stay in my mind for long. This was crazy though, I'd known the boy for three days and we were going somewhere in the woods to get drunk.
Emmett was going to make fun of me so bad.
How was it that I'd become so in tune to Ethan that I'd forgotten all of my morals and just ditched everything. Three days and I'm already tumbling deeper and deeper into the thick green woods, following a boy that the universe has declared mine.
But then I remembered the feeling that I got everytime we touched, even briefly and I remembered why I was doing this. Apart from human blood, there had been nothing in this world that I had ever been more addicted to.
I'd have to ask Rosalie if she felt the same way when saving Emmett, she had his whole body in her arms. Was that electrifying touch the thing that forced her to take Emmett to salvation?
"It's just down here," Ethan knocked me from my thoughts and I turned to look at him.

Dragons See Dragonflies - J.HTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang