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'I'm scared of the love I have for you because I know it will ruin me.

I also know that I will let it.
I love hard'

"Hey, are we friends?"
My fingers tightened over my pen slightly and I looked at him from the corner of my eyes.
The increase in his heartbeat told me that he noticed.
I thought over that question, leveling it out. Were we friends? What were we?
I turned in my seat slightly, looking him up and down. His heart sped up. I smirked and looked back to the front.
From the quick glance I stole, I noticed his outfit, normal baggy tracksuit, something that boys regularly wear in Forks, a silver necklace around his neck... a cross.
Was he religous? There was nothing wrong with that but our opinions were certain to differ. I didn't believe in Faith, if there were such a thing, why hadn't it helped me when I had begged for one too? Begged so hard.
"I'm only asking because there are things I wanna tell you that I can't tell people that aren't my friends,"

"If you want to be," I nodded, loosening the grip on my pen, taking a proper look at the man next to me.
A smile spread across his face, a pink tinted his cheeks but I chose to ignore that.
His heart told me what he was feeling anyway.
"What things do you want to tell me now that we're friends?"

"Jazzy, literally so much!" He turned in his seat, much like I did a second ago, but this time, there was no chance he was going to turn away.
He told me about his mother, why he moved here, her promotion as a nurse, he told me about his father and how he was never really in the picture, he told me about his dog Buddy. But then things quickly changed it's scene.
He smirked and told me he had gotten high once and oathed to never do it again, he said how he loved to get drunk and used the Christian holidays his mother celebrated as an excuse to drink too much red wine.
These were certainly things you wouldn't tell a stranger, but I listened anyway, loving how soothing his voice was.
As he spoke, my eyes wondered to his hoodie. It was a thin material, you could see he was well built and took care of himself. His black joggers were crinkled, like they needed ironing, but it matched well with his hair that always looked messy.
"Jasp? Hey Jasper, are you listening?" He wondered, his eyes looking at my face with a hint of confusion.

"Yes," I nodded surely, positive that I was, "You said your mother celebrates Christian holidays," I pointed out, "Does that mean you do to?"
He nodded, though paused halfway, debating something.
I could tell by the way his eyes crinkled up as he thought over what to say next.

"My Mom is really serious about religion, me, not so much. I believe some things, but I'm more of a heterdox Christian," He explained, his eyes darting over my shoulder for a moment.
Out of curiousity, I looked too, wondering what had captured his attention.
His heartbeat sped up, I looked back at him only to see his cheeks flushed red.
I frowned but didn't comment.

"What types of things do you believe?" I pressed, wanting to know more about him.

"I believe Jesus died for humanity, offering salvation instead of sin," Ethan thought about it after a second before adding, "I don't think anyone build the world in 7 days though. That was totally science,"
He smiled for a moment, making my lips upturn too, but I get rid of the expression before it lingers for too long.
I agreed with him on that. The world was made from the big bang, no mortal, immortal, whatever you wanted to call it, could've made the world in 7 days.
As I looked at him, my mind was brought to Carlisle.
I had heard his stories, seen his crucifix above the door but not paid much attention to it.
I didn't believe in any God, but maybe I could learn a few stories to impress Ethan?
I thought Carlisle would like him too, maybe they would get along.
"You now,"

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