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'There's nothing to keep you from falling in love'

"Yes," I replied after trying to find the words.
As a vampire, you don't lose your breath, something about this boy made me lose mine. I wasn't sure why I replied in that way, I was far from it. Multiple things were running through my head.
I was mated to a boy. A boy was my mate. I didn't really care, but I wasn't expecting it. Iwas expecting a lucious locks and long lashes, I was expecting a totally different body and style. 
I didn't know it was possible for me to not feel someone's emotions. I felt everybodies, but I couldn't feel his. 
How am I supposed to know? How am I supposed to know if they were a threat? How was I supposed to know if he actually loved me?
I clenched my jaw and looked forward. The teacher was talking but I couldn't hear him. all I could hear was the heartbeats around me. I was panicking.
How was I supposed to understand anything without my gift? He was looking at me, I could feel it. I could feel him looking at me, each time he did, it felt like a physical touch everytime. I didn't know what to do, it felt wonderful, it felt like something I hadn't felt in years, I loved it, I wanted more, I needed more.
I needed to leave, I needed to--
"Sir," I stuck up my hand, tapping my feet anxiously against the floor, "May I be excused?"

I persuaded the teacher to let me go, he wasn't going to let me. He nodded, I grabbed my binder and pen and walked out, feeling his gaze on me. And it all felt wrong. As soon as I left, I wanted to go back and sit next to him, I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to hear his voice again.
I had never felt this way before. Why was I so freaked out? Why did I feel so anxious? Was Alice's anxiety getting to me? Why did my chest feel so tight and why couldn't I feel?
"Hey, are you good Blondie?" A voice called out.

I froze. No. It can't be him.
"Are you good man? You look kind of freaked out. I told Mr. No-brain that we were tight so I could get out of class and check on you,"

"I'm fine," I huffed, tuning my back on him.
Why did he care? He didn't know me, all I did was look at him.

"You don't look it," He shrugged, still walking over.
When I saw him in the corner of my eye, I went to turn again, only he skipped and grabbed my arm that was reaching up to hide my face. I went to pull away but his touch was electrifying, it almost felt as if my heart had actually beaten.
I clenched my jaw, this was so confusing, why did I care so much?
"Are you having an anxiety attack?"

"No," I shook my head, pulling my arm free and turning to walk to the cafeteria. 
I could hear his footsteps behind me but I continued walking, a demon inside me liking that he cared enough to follow. The most part of me, the much more humane side didn't bother look or slow down. 
Maybe I was having an anxiety attack. I had felt humans experience this all the time and it was what they labeled it about. I didn't like it. I didn't like feeling human, I wasn't one and I was never going to be one. 
So why was this boy making me feel like one?

"Blondie will you slow down?" He called out, starting to jog just to walk at my shoulder.
I ignored him.
"Fine be a bitch then," He stopped walking, I didn't, "Wait no-- I feel bad you're having an anxiety attack,"

I actually stopped in my tracks. Who was this human and why was he following me? Why was he so abnormal and why was he so strange? When he met up with me, he walked in front and had a small, casual smile on his face. My features softened.
"Sit down, I'll help you, people tell me I'm very distracting,"

But I didn't want to sit down. I wanted to run away. I didn't know what this was, I didn't know how to act, I didn't know how to think with this boy in front of me. How could I do anything when his lean build was standing right in front of me?
I didn't know what to do. Sit? Don't sit? Talk? Don't talk? Love? Don't love?
I froze and stared at him like a complete idiot. 
What would Alice do? What would Alice tell me to do?
I pulled out a chair and sat down, clenching my jaw, looking at my feet. I figured it was because I wasn't looking at him, but for whatever reason, he kneeled down and looked at me with that same smile from earlier. If I were a fish then I would've been hooked already.
He held out a hand. I looked at it, then back to him. What did he want me to do with that? I swallowed then lifted mine too. He grabbed it.
It was like breathing in fresh air for the first time, it felt so soothing, so right. I wanted both hands in his, I wanted to hug him, I wanted to feel his body up against mine because it felt so soothing. It felt so right, even when it was just his hand.
God, I didn't know what to do but stare at him like some lovesick schoolkid.
"I used to have anxiety all the time, it's totally cool that you feel like this," He told, pressing down on my fingers, I frowned, "What's your name?"

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