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I thought maybe it meant something to you too. You looked into my eyes like you were searching for something and I wanted you to find it.

Ethan was certainly something. Not only did he continue blabbering to me after our secretive outbursts, he asked for my number and told me he'd regretted not getting it sooner. I wanted to shake him, to demand why he wasn't acting normal, but I was too startled to attempt to.
I wanted to ask more about his 'gift'? I wasn't sure what to call it, but again, I was too stuck in my own thoughts to know where to start. It was the first time I had unwillingly been speechless. Not even the cigarettes being pushed my way could loosen me up.
I told him about my family and I, how we hunted, our powers... but I left out how we couldn't use them on him. I didn't want him thinking there was something wrong.
I was tense when I ran back home, half of me was thrilled to tell my family the progress I'd made with Ethan, the other half of me knew there would be mixed views.
As expected, Rosalie ignored me completely after I'd told her, she wouldn't even look my way. It didn't bother me as much as I had feared.
Alice had been overjoyed, she kissed my cheek and greeted me with a hug.
I always loved Alice's hugs.
Edward and Emmett weren't bothered, they were happy for me but that was it. Carlisle and Esme were silently worried but I knew they were excited for me secretly.
I was the last in the family to find their mate and everyday with Ethan was progress.

For the first time in a while, I felt relieved. I was talking to the boy of my dreams and he didn't run away when I told him who I truly was. In return, I was faced with a secret of his own.
A part of me felt giddy with excitement to have a mate as extraordinary as Ethan, then excitement because I knew that if he became a vampire, whatever dragonflies he saw would become more powerful with his new life.
I sank back in my bed, a stupid smile on my face. Now I just had to wait for Ethan to fall in love with me. I hoped it wouldn't take long.

Jasper, you rat.

I frowned upon reading the message. He had wanted my phone number, I wasn't aware he would use it to call me names.


The converse?


You never did explain why you didn't want to take them from me.

Im not used to being taken care of. It makes me feel weird when people do it

I wanted to add to his message, to correct it, but I couldn't. I had a gut feeling the root of this problem was his mother.
Upon being in their house, despite only standing in the first hallway, I noticed that there was no childhood pictures on the walls that would be expected from any household with kids. Instead, there were religious pictures and monuments on the tables and shelves.
I dreaded to see the rest of the house if the entrance didn't have a single ounce of evidence of the boy I loved. I wouldn't be surprised if he told me it was a prank and he didn't actually live there.

Well, I'm not taking them back so it's up to you what you do with them.

The text bubble indicating he was typing appeared for multiple seconds and I watched it eagerly... then it vanished. I waited some more but it never returned.
Maybe he'd finally realized how stubborn I was and decided to finally give into my vast amounts of pressure to look after him.



I was just headbanging in the bathroom and headbutted the sink.


Are you alright?

Yeah :)

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