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"Next"- I yell from the counter, skimming through the previous clients details. I shut my note book and pivot around the desk to the center of the room. This is we're all fittings take place. When technically i size clients here and make their garments on the top floor then they try it on back on the 2 floor. The first floor is full of chaos and honestly I'm proud to claim authority over this place even though I don't run it. K.R had many stores around the UK, I worked in London and spent years trying to get to my place, so long story short I technically run this store.

I sit on my stool and drag it towards the mini circular stage where clients can stand for their fitting. This stool has gone through a lot, I'm just glad there's wheels attached to the bottom of it. Now I'm just sat here waiting. The time is currently 9pm and this should be my last customer however it seems there's no one there. I shout again, "hello... next please?!"

The silk black curtain devising my department from the store is torn by my lovely assistant and best friend lily. "Alina seriously stop shouting," she gives me a nasty look. I take the opportunity to thin my eyes and glare at her in response. "You have 1 last client his appointment is at 9 I'm sure he'll be here soon." Yeah right he better be.

She steps away from the room and back downstairs to finalize closing protocol. While I'm just sat here, hair tied with a pencil, huge eye bags, and my does my feet hurt so much. I swear Bering a girl is so hard. I don't even know how I manage to stand all day in high heels. I just want to go home.

Faintly, I can here footsteps approaching. God, the only thing I can think is finally. I don't even bother to make the service as best as it could be. In fact I don't even lift my head and ask my client to stand where there's a X marked on the floor.

I ask him for his consultation and what exactly he's looking for. Because I'm sat and he's stood I can see what he's wearing on his lower half. A navy suit. I don't bother checking the booking details I just assume he's here for a suit. So i go straight to measuring.

All of a sudden I become more aware of my surroundings and realize how awkward this is. He's not talking nor am I. I haven't even asked his name. Oh well I have no energy to deal with that right now.

Lifting myself slightly i kick my stool back and crouch further down so I can get ankle measurements. Who knew an ankle could be this big. I'm in an almost squat position and i slowly rise to get his calf and thigh measured. Calling him 'him' feels so fucked up right now, but let's be real it's to late to ask for his name.

Now all that's left is the waistline. This is like a second language to me honestly i only think it's taken about 2 minutes to do this. I rise from my squatting position to fully standing straight and my back aches at the movement.

Suddenly i loose my balance and trip over thin air. Oh god. Before my whole body slams into the floor I'm caught with large hands holding me from the waist. His hands are warm, wait no maybe I'm warm. Fuck why is it so hot in here. I lift my flushed face and see him.

No fucking way. I am greeted with the Karlos Reed. Yes the Karlos. The one that ones all K.R stores or should I say CEO of K.R. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I stare at him blankly. He matches my expression. He has dark silky smooth hair that has definitely been styled, stubble across his jaw, uh and that jawline is so sharp. But the thing that caught my attention was his eyes. They're dark, almost black. It's kinda taunting. His face is motionless as he waits for me to say something.

"Oh god Mr Reed I'm so sorry," I move away from his grasp and move my hands towards my torso and brushing away to make myself seem presentable. Or maybe it's to remove the heat Karlos' hands have left behind. I lower my head and say "really I'm so sorry I didn't mean to fall onto you like that Mr Reed. And please I apologize for my slacking service it's really late and these stupid damn shoes are.."

He cuts my apology. "It's fine." That's all he says. Now I feel even worse he's not giving any type of reaction I have no idea what to do. "Honestly I feel really bad is there.." He cuts me off again. "Just finish the measurements," he says coldly.

I do as I'm told and finish measuring his large body. It's big but not too big. He's go so much muscle not only can I feel it through the fabric I can see it through the fabric. He definitely spends  half his time at the gym. If i looked like him I'd have the highest ego on earth. My thoughts make me grin not realizing he's still in front of me. He flares his eyebrows giving me a concerned look and I simply cough and quickly erase my thoughts and carry on measuring with a straight face.

After everything is complete i face him once again and say "your all done, now would you like to select some colors for your suits?" He replies quick with "black, black everything like this" he moves his hand swiftly to my shirt and gathers the fabric between his fingers and rubs. "Ok I can do that for you, anything else " is all I can reply with. It's getting hot again. His hot touch lingers on my wrist. "No," he says. I'm sat back on my stool as he's making his way out of the room and just before he leaves, with a slight grin he says "just remember to smile next time."

Stitched Together By HateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora