Chapter 54

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On the eve of the next day Daemon left on the back of Caraxes towards Bravos. He spent a day flying before stopping to make camp. 

After 12 more hours on Dragon's back he finally reached the city of Bravos. He could see the titan of bravos from the Dragon's back, in his youth he had touched the point of the statue's sword on Caraxes’s back.

He could see the lagoon with islands below him, each island having a stone bridge connecting to the others. He guided Caraxes to the furthermost island where he could land without notice. Once he was landed he quietly got off dragon back and sent Caraxes to go hunt and rest until he called for him. 

It was late and the moon was the only light source outside of the city areas on the island so no one saw as the dragon leaped off the ground and flew to the surrounding marshlands to hunt and rest while his rider did whatever his rider does. 

Daemon made his way through the islands by wandering in through the street markets. He wore a burlap cloak that he often used to be innocuous in Kings Landing. He lurked through alleyways, not wanting to be noticed at all, unlike the other times he had come to the city wanting all the lavish attention of a prince of the realm. 

Daemon successfully made his way through the city unnoticed until he found himself at the place he never thought he would venture. He steeled himself as he approached the ominous black and white doors. 

As he approached the doors slowly opened before he had even touched them causing his hand to grip the hilt of Darksister as he stepped forward cautiously. 

A man walked out, tan robs covering his body “Welcome, we were expecting you” the man said with no emotion in his voice as he motioned for Daemon to follow him. 

Daemon looked around cautiously before following behind the man, his hand on his sword the entire time, ready to cut the head from any man who comes near him if need be. He had a wife and babe to return to and he refused to be slain by these people. 

He was led to a large circular open room, there was no windows, just dull grey stone. A pool of water was in the center of the room and statues littered the hall, he could recognize several gods among the statues. 

The only light in the room was from candles and torches which were not many, it made the room seem dark and he couldn’t see into the corners, putting him even more on edge. 

Another man stood by the pool, no one else was in the room as far as he could tell. 

“Welcome rouge dragon” the man said simply, looking at him with empty eyes. 

Daemon nodded to the man in greeting “It seems you were expecting me?” he said lowly, wanting answers for how they knew he was coming. 

The man nodded “Yes, the many-faced god speaks in mysterious ways” he said cryptically. 

Daemon raised an eyebrow, unimpressed “And in what way did he warn you of my arrival?” he asked pointedly. 

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