Chapter 51

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Daemon rushed Rhaenyra through the halls, he couldn’t help but flash back to that day in Dragonstone, listening to her screams as she birthed their dead daughter. He refused to do that again. 

Sanda and her assistant were quick to arrive in Rhaenyra’s rooms as Daemon placed her in the bed. 

Rhaenyra clutched his hand like a lifeline when he put her down, he sat beside her, whispering that he wasn’t going to leave her. He would be there with her through every moment. She had calmed down as the contraction passed. 

He pulled her into a kiss before meeting her eyes “everything is going to be okay, no grey rats to poison you my love. I will protect you and the babe, nothing will hurt you. I promise” he whispered in Valyrian, he could see as his words finally let her relax slightly as the Midwives checked between her legs. 

He spent the next four hours by her side as she screamed and gripped his hand. He just reassured her and encouraged her through the entire thing as she screamed and cursed. 

When he finally heard the cry he had felt his entire being fill with love, a familiar love but one he had lacked so much in this life. He was handed the screaming babe “It’s a boy” Sanda said, a bright smile on her face before she turned back to Rhaenyra. 

Sanda’s assistant kept an eye on the babe, he was early, though Daemon now doubted that as he looked at him. He looked just like Aegon did when he was born, it caused his heart to hurt slightly as he kissed the little head filled with silver strands as he moved to Rhaenyra’s side, showing her their son.

“Look what you did my love, he’s beautiful” he whispered, Rhaenyra gave a tired smile as she looked at their son before gasping as the babe opened his eyes. 

He looked down immediately and felt his heart stop, the babe, he had the same eyes as their Aegon. He had seen the resemblance but now he knew, this was the same babe, this was their son. 

Both Rhaenyra and Daemon immediately began crying as they kissed the little babe that was their Aegon. 

Soon Rhaenyra was distracted by the after birth, when she was finished Sanda helped her nurse Aegon for the first time and Daemon left the room to inform a nervously pacing Viserys who was outside of the room that everything was okay. 

Viserys immediately relaxed upon news that Rhaenyra was recovering and both her and the babe were healthy. As soon as he was filled with relief he was then met with rage “I want the Hightowers dead Daemon, I want the Maesters dug out root and stem” he said darkly, his hand gripping Blackfyre. 

Daemon smirked, a smirk that no one had seen in this life, one that spoke of how dark he could be, of the things he was willing to do for his family. Whispers of blood and cheese in the back of his mind. 

“I never thought you would ask brother, I suppose it’s time for War” He said in their mother tongue. 

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