Chapter 19

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When Rhaenys told her husband of Rhaenyra’s offer he had seemed pleased, he wasn’t pleased with Laena’s match being made by Rhaenyra but he eventually agreed after some nudging from Rhaenys. 

Both Rhaenys and Corlys knew this deal had to be kept quiet for years to come, Rhaenyra had imparted the importance of this not becoming known around the kingdoms until Laena has a daughter. With that they couldn’t tell Laena everything, especially while she was still so young and not likely to keep the secret. 

For now they would tell their daughter Rhaenyra offered to take her on as a Lady in waiting and help her find a good match. When Laena gets older they would tell her everything. 

Laena for her part was extremely excited to be Rhaenyra’s lady-in-waiting. She had always liked Rhaenyra and they were both Valyrian, they had much in common. She secretly hoped being closer with Rhaenyra would give her a chance to mount a dragon. 

Laena felt out of her depth as she joined Rhaenyra’s Ladies, they all worked so well together already, it was intimidating. She struggled for the first months before finally finding her place with Rhaenyra. 

She had started training with the other ladies and was becoming fast friends with Maris and Sara which were the ladies closest to her age. They were a bit brutish for her at first but she found herself enjoying their company regardless. Maris would often help her braid her hair into intricate patterns while Sara helped her mostly in training. 

She had also grown closer with Rhaenyra, she found her much more serious than she had thought she would be. She had always seemed rather excitable and free-willed but she seemed more mature and straightforward now. She was still free-willed but it was tempered. 

Laena and Rhaenyra would often bond over their valyrian knowledge and talk about the glories of old Valyria and dragon riding, Laena wanted to mount a dragon more than anything and Rhaenyra seemed assured she would. 

When Rhaenyra had described being up in the clouds Laena had never wanted to experience that more, she was determined to get there one day. If her brother could hatch a dragon she could certainly ride one. 

Laena had discussed her want to try and bond with a dragon to Rhaenyra and she had offered to take her to the dragon pits. Laena had been ecstatic. 

She had tried to bond with Dreamfyre only to have the dragon spurn her, she had almost been burned alive if the handlers had not interjected. Leana had been upset over the whole ordeal and had requested to go back to the castle. 

When Rhaenyra had seen the tears in her eyes she had reassured Laena that Dreamfyre was simply not meant to be her dragon and that she would find a dragon that was compatible. It had made Leana feel slightly better but she was still extremely disappointed. 


Rhaenyra felt for Laena but in the end she knew the girl would mount Vhagar, she had thought she might bond with another dragon but it was obvious to her now that the connection was meant to be. 

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