Chapter 35

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They traveled on the road to the Eyrie for a week before Rhaenrya had enough, she was sick of this miserable slow travel only made slower by her pregnancy, she had a dragon. She could be at the Eyrie within 4 hours by dragon flight!

She walked angrily towards Syrax, Daemon following behind her worried. He hated that he was in between two unsafe options, she shouldn’t be riding on horseback but she also shouldn’t be riding on the dragon. 

Though even Daemon couldn’t deny the short ride on dragon back was less of a risk or strain on her body, it was why he was okay with his wife walking up and demanding things of a dragon. 

Rhaenyra glared at Syrax before speaking in strong Valyrian “Syrax enough of this! You can not keep me from flying simply because of the babe, It is more of a risk to be traveling for these long days than a simple flight that would take a few hours!” she ranted, flailing her arms in the air. She was tired and hormonal and she was sick of riding on a fucking horse. 

Syrax looked at her amused for a moment before huffing and turning so Rhaenrya could climb on. 

Rhaenrya smiled “Not yet, in the morning. For now I need to rest before another long ride. Thank you girl” she said in a much gentler tone. She had been expecting Syrax to put up a fight but the dragon seemed to understand her. 

Daemon watched the whole thing impressed and slightly baffled by the relationship his wife had with her dragon. Though he supposes his relationship with Caraxes was also complex. 


The next morning Daemon,Sanda (One of her Midwives), Laena, Cerenna, and Rhaenrya flew on dragon back to the Eyrie. 

Rhaenyra offer Cerenna a ride on dragonback given how terrified she was of horses, she had been as miserable as Rhaenyra while they were traveling so Rhanyra took pity on her and brought her up on Syrax’s back. 

Syrax was big enough to fly two comfortably on her back. Though Rhaenyra did find it amusing that Cerenna was less afraid of dragons than she was of horses but that was just her. 

Daemon for his part was not happy to be flying ahead, he would be the only protection his wife had that he trusted until the Retinue arrived. Though without his pregnant wife they would make better time and be at the Eyrie within a week, maybe a few days longer. 

He could have brought a kingsguard on the back of Caraxes but he instead insisted on one of the trusted Midwives they had. He wouldn’t risk Rhaenyra being without her. 

Rhaenyra had told him to calm down, that is her mother's old home. She had no reason to fear being attacked. Lady Jane would ensure she had a few trusted guards until their retinue caught up with them. 


Laena for her part was just happy to be on Vhagar’s back, she never felt more right than when she was in the air. 

She truly felt like a Targaryen when she was up in the sky. She had thought the smile on her brother's face when he rode had just been because of his happiness but now she knew, it was the rightness. 

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