Chapter 29

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When the Retinue arrived in Old oak they were welcomed warmly and lead into the keep by Lord Lewis Oakheart, an older man with greying hair. 

He and his wife, a woman in her mid-thirties who seemed quite timid, lead us into the keep and straight into the main hall for a meal before settling in for the evening. 

They introduced the royal couple and her ladies to their Son and Heir, Patrick Oakheart. He was a comely young man in his 19th year. He was their only child and Rhaenyra could tell Lord Lewis was desperate to make him a proper match as he basically tried to sell him to one of her ladies. 

None of her ladies were particularly interested but he seemed like a nice enough man, slightly arrogant but then her own husband had more than enough arrogance and she loved him. 

Rhaenyra wasn’t stupid, they were offering her their loyalty for a price “I would be happy to have Lord Patrick join our Retinue, I am sure he can find a good match on the journey, we meet many eligible young women of the realm” Rhaenrya said suggestively. 

Patrick seemed embarrassed but his parents were eager to take the deal “We would love that princess! A man my age likes to know the future of his house is secured” Lord Lewis said, genuine worry in his voice.   

Daemon nodded “We understand my Lord, wanting to secure the lives of your children, and their children after them is an honorable goal” he said as he grabbed Rhaenyra’s hand and gave her a warm smile that she returned. 

She had missed her moon's blood, it was still too early to tell as she had not begun having symptoms of pregnancy but it was a good sign and Daemon seemed to be floating in happiness since he figured it out. 

The old Lord was amused at seeing the Newlyweds, it was obvious that there was love between them. He was glad to see it, the realm had prospered when a king and queen who loved each other sat on the throne. He hoped he lived long enough to see their reign. 

Thankfully he knew his son’s future would be assured, they would find him a proper wife that he liked and his son would come home to rule these lands after him. He smiled at the sight of his Heir, hale and healthy, he had tried so long for another child before accepting that he was it, he was who would hold their family up. He hoped his son had many children so that he wasn’t burdened as he had been. 


Once they left Old Oak the Retinue traveled down the Ocean road for another week before Arriving at Crackhall. 

While they traveled the Ocean road they camped out on the shores of the Sunset sea. 

While Rhaenyra and Daemon had snuck away from the group for a swim they had seen Laena walking the beach towards a large cave opening. She looked strange, like she was walking in her sleep. 

They had asked not to be disturbed so her presence already was strange. Daemon looked at her concerned as she kept walking towards the large cave opening. 

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