Chapter 34

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After everything that happened there Daemon was glad to leave Riverrun. Not that he blamed the Tullys, if anything their wedding had been ruined by an assassination attempt on them. 

He was still having a hard time believing someone would try an attack such as this on them. It had never happened before, when her wedding had gone to hell it had been because of Cristan Cole, not assassins. 

An assassination attempt like this one was showy and public, it was to make a statement. They just had no idea what statement they were attempting to make. 

Daemon became extremely protective after the assassination attempt, Rhaenyra had thought him protective before but that was nothing compared to now. 

As they traveled for a week down the River road to Stone hedge Daemon had barely left her side unless she was with Syrax or the kings guards. He knew Syrax would burn anyone that came near her or their babe. 

Daemon would not allow anything that tries to harm his wife or future child live and neither would the dragons, Caraxes had been extremely temperamental and territorial after the attack, he would fly high above them as they traveled and if any men came near their group they were met with the Large red dragon standing between the retinue and the strangers. 

Many times this had left small folk pissing themselves in fear of his very angry dragon. Daemon would usually leave them with a silver or two as an apology and they were happy enough to move on. 

After a week of this they finally arrived at Stone Hedge, the seat of House Bracken. Lord Vermond Bracken greets them and leads them into comfortable rooms where he spends a few hours tending to his pregnant wife after a day of riding. 

She hated being confined to the couch but even walking hurt her now a days, her body was not used to the adjustment of pregnancy in this time and she was having a harder time of it than before. She theorized it was because she was so much younger this time around. 

The first time around Rhaenyra hadn’t started having children for at least another three or four years.  

This time her body was younger and she was having a hell of a time. Her back hurt something awful and her poor ankles were not used to the extra weight of the baby, none of this bringing into the equation the baby himself who seemed to love to kick her organs whenever he pleased. 

Rhaenyra was exhausted, thankfully the sickness had finally stopped and she could keep down her meals again. Though now she had the strangest craving, the other day she had wanted to eat Daemons leather pants, not in any sexual way but the actual trousers. 

Daemon had found it amusing while she had been frustrated by her own cravings, she could not eat leather, the craving was something she literally could not eat. The midwives had reassured them it was normal but it had still angered her. 

Daemon had watched amused as Rhaenyra pouted down at her stomach where their babe rested, she was obviously frustrated. She had never had this difficult of a pregnancy before. He felt awful but he could not fix it for her. Instead, he just helped as much as he could. 

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