Chapter 24

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When Rhaenyra and Daemon sat her father down and explained everything Alicent had told them he had wanted to order Otto’s head to be brought to him on a pike. 

He had ranted and raved and had even thrown a chair across the room while Rhaenyra watched in alarm and Daemon watched on in humor. He had never seen his brother lose his temper like this, it was a sight to behold. 

“After everything I did for that man?! He was my hand! I listened to him! I trusted him to have my best interest in mind and he was undermining me the whole time?!” Viserys screamed as he chucked the goblet sitting on the table making it hit the stone wall with a resounding clang. 

“Brother calm down, if you scream any louder the whole City will hear you. We do not want to tip off the Hightowers to us knowing of their little plot” he said soothingly. 

Viserys huffed but sat down and took a few deep breaths desperately trying to cool his temper. He couldn’t believe how far this went, they had been poisoning him. His hand had been poisoning him while simultaneously throwing his daughter at him. 

Viserys groaned “How was I so blind?” he asked as he put his head in his hands. 

Rhaenyra winced before reluctantly answering “Father, you may be a dragon and a king but you are still a man and Otto Hightower knew how to get to a man” she said pointedly. 

Daemon scowled “Our dragon blood runs hot in us brother and it makes us greedy and passionate. I’m not going to lie and say Allecent was not attractive but Otto threw her at you when you were alone, grieving. Made her a comfort for you so that when you did want to choose a wife you already held affection for her, probably an attraction to her as well” he said without remorse. 

He knew the games Otto Hightower liked to play and they were of the mind. He wasn’t a strong man but he was a cunning one. Daemon could see the man's cunning backstabbing manner a mile away, even as a young boy. 

Rhaernrya nodded “Your only other true option at the time was Laena and she is younger than I am. Allicent is close in age to me but she is two years older than I am. She had wormed her way into your life already. Of course she was a better option, you found her company pleasing and her look appealing compared to a 13 year old girl” she said reluctantly. She hated to admit it but she did understand what happened to an extent. 

Viserys shook his head “I chose what I wanted over Duty and as the king that was a mistake. It’s when a king chooses to do what's best for himself rather than the realm that mistakes are made. Mistakes that can not be undone” he said with a dark look in his eyes, thinking of all his daughter and brother have told him. He could see the exact moment he went wrong, which lead to one mistake after another. 

Rhaenyra felt herself agreeing but didn’t say it. She had fallen for the same follies, making stupid reckless decisions for her own happiness. Wanting happiness is not a crime but choosing it over your people was unacceptable for someone with her responsibilities. 

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