Chapter 22

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The tourney was in a few days time and Lords and ladies from all over the realm were currently staying in the capital for the event. 

Rhaenyra’s ladies were in a tizzy as they made sure everything went smoothly for the announcement. They coordinated with seamstresses and the cooks as well as all the staff to make sure this went off without a hitch. 

While her ladies lost their collective minds Rhaenyra spent time with Daemon while meeting with various Lords and Ladies. She made sure to welcome each one and make them feel welcome. She had truly underestimated how much these small actions made the Lords and Ladies of the realm feel valued by the crown and when they felt valued they were more likely to stay loyal. 

Daemon could only take so much of the politicking before he would run off to hide somewhere or to spend time with her father. Daemon had never been made for the day-to-day ruling like she was, he was a warrior. He would be a brilliant warrior king who would fly off to battle and come back victorious but he would be miserable sitting in that chair listing to the lords and ladies blather on about their woes. He didn't have the patience for it. 

He had realized this himself when he had aged, he was very pleased being king consort. Leading their armies into war, he lived for it. Though in his age he also lived for the peaceful moments with their children, watching them take their first steps. Taking their boys up on dragon's back and flying as a family. 

He had missed it more than anything and he couldn’t wait to marry his beautiful wife again and have another child. They would never replace his previous children but he had to live in the now, if he looked back he was lost. 

Although looking forward didn’t seem very pleasant either if he were being honest. He was not looking forward to a week of politics and having to keep his temper in check and fight to keep Dark sister on his belt and not in some idiot Lord's head. 

The one good aspect was he no longer needed to hide his affection for Rhaenyra. He could be openly affectionate in public, within reason of course. He wouldn’t risk her reputation, he had been an idiot before. He truly had almost cost her everything for his own selfish desires. 

He would not make that type of mistake again. She meant everything to him, not that pile of swords. He couldn’t wait for the moment he could call her his wife again. He loved her and he wanted to scream it to the rooftops, proclaim his love for all to hear. 

He was excited for the look of envy in men's eyes when their engagement is announced, them knowing they had lost and he had the most beautiful woman in the realm. 


Viserys smiled at the crowd, so many had gathered for this Tourney. He was very pleased by the turnout. 

“Welcome, I know many of you have traveled a long ways to be at these games! The journey will be worth it, I assure you. We have many fine knights on these lists! I commend each of you for your valler! I have called this tourney to make an announcement about the future of the realm. My daughter and Heir Princess Rhaenyra is to be betrothed to Prince Daemon! Upon their marriage the royal couple will take a tour of the Sevan Kingdoms so that they can see the lands they will one day rule” Viserys said loudly, his voice booming over the crowd. 

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