
Yoongi had just shot Micheal after he had noticed him aiming his gun at Jungkook's back.

The gunshot echoed in the air, leaving behind a sense of emptiness.

Jungook who had been in the middle of approaching Yera was now on the ground, cradling her body protectively. The blood in her hair, courtesy of Claire's lovely scalp rearrangement, soaked through his shirt as he made eye contact with a worried Yoongi, silently letting him know that they were okay.

He watched the mint-haired boy drop the firearm to the floor as though the metal was burning into his skin. A morbid reminder that he had just shot someone. Jungkook felt the need to console him but couldn't when he remembered he was still holding onto Yera.

It wasn't fair.

They were 'just boys' two weeks ago and yet here they were now, dealing with burdens like having the blood of another human being on their hands. They were killers. Forced to become a thing they would have never dreamed of before. He felt the repulsion radiating off of Yoongi as he stared at the gun unmoving.

His eyes then traveled to a frantic-looking Claire who was busy trying to climb into a tall Jeep. It didn't take a genius to figure out that she was hooking it.

Leaving so soon?

Don't think so.

Stroking Yera's skin next to a bloody gash on the apple of her cheek, Jungkook felt pure rage engulf him. This all happened because Claire wanted to stir up some kind of psychotic mad max recreation. Why they had ever given her the time of day to entertain her, he had no clue. But what he did know for sure was that she wasn't going to leave so easily.

Laying Yera's head on the ground, Jungkook didn't let the urgency of his newfound mission affect how gently he handled her. He moved a strand of hair out of her face as he looked at her face one last time, memorizing her features, never failing to admire each and every one.

Jungkook finally stood up and noticed Yoongi was nowhere to be seen. Assuming that a thug preoccupied him, Jungkook quickened his pace over to Michael's unconscious body and picked up his rifle. Without even taking a second glance at the weapon, he cocked it with such expertise, it would have made an elite soldier in the army envy his efficiency.

With a clear mind, governed by the hunger for revenge, Jungkook briskly made his way over to the Jeep, Claire was in the middle of reviving.

The engine roared to life, however, Jungook had already mounted the hood of the vehicle and was now staring down at Claire through the windshield with his rifle aimed at her forehead.

There wasn't an ounce of hesitation in Jungkook's eyes as he dared her to step on the gas.

"You make one move and I put a bullet in your skull" These words shocked Jungkook to his core. But his expression never betrayed him. The brunette had never in his life uttered those words...ever. What had driven him to speak like that now? Was it the lives of his loved ones hanging in the balance or was it the strikingly evident urge to make Claire pay?

It seemed it was both.

"Try me, little boy!" Claire grinned as she wasted no time in stepping on the gas. The Jeep lurched forward throwing Jungkook onto the roof of the vehicle, knocking all the air out of his lungs. His gun clattered on the hood of the vehicle before sliding off onto the ground. There was no way he could get it in time as the Jeep was already in motion, gaining speed with each second.

Jungkook felt himself slipping off of the roof as the Jeep moved forward before he could dig the tip of his shoe into the grills of the buffer to keep steady.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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