Chapter 28

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Sean Green's POV

It took over three hours for us to come up with a new plan of attack. By that, I mean every single doctor at this hospital was brought in, and we went over what we can do. We've now got her dosages figured out, and Phil is doing an investigation into Brett. Clearly there is history between Sang and him that we don't know, which is why I was surprised she even called him.

I can't believe I didn't check the doses.

"She hates me," I reveal to Owen.

"Does she?" he asks. "Because what I saw was a terrified young woman, who lashed out because she had an attempt made on her life. She might have said some mean things, but by the amount of swear words used, I can tell she wasn't in her right mind."

"She hates me," I repeat. I don't blame her either.

"She loves us," Owen says instead. "I think that love will extend to even when she hates us. Even though you made a mistake, nothing happened. It was caught. Yes, we're going to need to be more on the ball, but she's okay."

"She's potentially going to have a concussion and we've put too many stitches in the back of her head," I reply.

"We're not looking after her," Owen sighs.

"I know," I whisper. "Believe me, I know."

"Plan time," he says. "I'm going to call Lily's team in. Maybe even Uncle's. Get them to sit with her as she wakes, and assess her mood. We fucked up, and we don't want to continue pushing her."

"Don't you think leaving her will be a bit much?" I ask.

"I don't know," he replies. "I really don't know."

"We'll try it," I say. "Let's call them." We do, and both teams promise to be here within the hour. Hopefully, this isn't her done with me. I don't think I could take it.

Sang Sorenson's POV

My head aches. My stomach hurts. Everything just hurts. I try to move my arm, but it barely moves. Great. I can't sense anyone in my bed. Where is North? Is he home showering?

I slowly open my eyes, cringing at the amount of pain that appears. It takes a few attempts, but I look around the dim room. Why are Ben and his team here? Same with Lily and her men. Where are my men?

"Sang?" Ben calls. He stands and comes to sit on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Bad," I whisper. He nods slowly. "Where?"

"Where what?" he asks gently. I sigh, and sign, but my hands are under the blankets, and I cry out when I knock the one with the stupid cannula in. I hate the hand cannulas.

"What's wrong?" Liam demands. He storms over too. "Sang, honey, what's wrong?"

"Hand," I mumble.

"Oh, you don't like the cannulas in your hands, do you?" Liam asks. "Want to sit up?"

"Where are the others?" I ask, instead. I'm not talking very loud, but they all heard me. "Are they on assignment?"

"No, honey, no," Liam says softly. "They're here, just in another room. After whatever happened that led to you guys fighting, they thought some familiar faces would be better."

"Fighting?" I whisper. We were fighting? They trade nervous expressions.

"Okay, we're going to page the nurse, okay?" Lily asks. I shrug, and nod. "You approved someone called Lola to come in tonight, and then I've got Erica who is also on your approved list."

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