Chapter 19

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Kota enters a few minutes later, and I take a deep breath before I face them all

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Kota enters a few minutes later, and I take a deep breath before I face them all.

"The project with Ben takes so much off my plate. It will eventually make my life, our life, so much easier. It means these requests I'm getting will drop, massively. I had an idea, and then I delegated. I brought people in, people from our team, to help me," I say quietly.

"John ignored me for two hours," I continue. "I hadn't had medication in two and a half hours. That's dangerous in my situation, especially since Sean's not been here to monitor that. A lady further down the hall, could have had serious complications, potentially leading to death, if he didn't administer her medication. There are eleven people on this floor, and he was struggling. I will always choose saving a life, potentially saving a life, rather than spending time watching TV, or playing a game, as that goes against the oath I took as a doctor. If I can help someone, I will. Always. If you're telling me you could see someone get robbed in the street, and not attempt to help, then you're all liars."

"It's not the same situation," Nathan tells me. "Peanut, we're able to take down a robber."

I scoff, "And you don't think I can save a life?"

"In this condition?" Nathan asks.

"Yes," I say.

"No," he says, shaking his head. And that's on disrespect. "I don't."

"Well today, Sang managed to help diagnose an illness in a nine week old baby," Sean says. "Not alone, but part of a team."

"That's not—" Nathan sighs.

"I've missed family dinners," Sean tells them. "I've lost out on fun days. I've missed out on sleepovers. So much quality family time, and I wasn't there. It's the role we take as a doctor."

"We're worried Sang," Marc says softly.

"I know that," I tell them. "I hate it. I hate that you're struggling but I don't know how to help."

"Stop doing all the extra shit," North snaps.

"Okay," I say, quietly. If this is what it'll take to get them to back off, I'll do it. I'll stop being me for a little while, and try my best to heal up before going back to normal. "Okay."

"What?" Luke asks, turning to me confused.

"If you think I need to stop," I whisper. "I will."

Owen, Axel, Kota, Nathan, North, Marc and Brandon are happy about that. Raven, Silas, and Corey don't seem to care either way. Luke, Gabe, Sean, and Victor seem annoyed.

"Okay then," Owen says. "Let's see how it works out. Hopefully, it'll mean you have a little more energy."

"Are you done eating?" North asks. I nod and he throws the food out. I barely ate two spoonfuls, but I can't stomach anything else.

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