Chapter 14

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"Sang," Dr Roberts calls

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"Sang," Dr Roberts calls. "Dr Sorenson." I groan, confused. My head is fuzzy. "Sang, it's time to wake up sweetheart. We're moving you upstairs, your team is here."

"What?" I slur out. What's happening?

"You've had your appendix removed," Dr Graves tells me, coming into vision. "It burst when you were in surgery." I close my eyes, not following. My head hurts, and I'm so tired.

"Sang!" Sean exclaims. "Hi Pookie. You promised I could be your doctor when you get sick, and who was I to guess it would happen this quickly." I open my eyes, and there are lots of people here, and I'm confused. "So, we're going to get you up and move beds. Ready?" He helps me up, but I go down as soon as soon as that happens.

"Got her," North mutters. "You're far too light, Baby." He places me on the bed, and moves away.

"Take this out," I plead, tears welling up.

"Take what out?" Sean asks softly, coming closer. "What don't you like Pookie?" I motion to the IV.

"That needs to stay in, sweetheart," Sean says, and his soothing voice isn't helping. "Just until you're better. You know this."

"She doesn't like them in her hand," Dr Roberts says. "We'll get it moved to your arm, Sang. I'll get a nurse."

"I'll do it," Sean responds. "Kota go ask the nurse for a new cannula kit please." He pulls a chair up to the bed and wipes my eyes. "Silly doctors not looking after you properly. I'll swap this over and then I'll do some post-op checks. You know the drill."

"My head hurts," I tell him, struggling to keep my eyes open. "My wound is sore, and my stomach hurts. Otherwise I'm fine."

"Sure," he teases. "Still going to do some checks."

I close my eyes, tired, but he snaps his fingers.

"No sleeping yet. Didn't you listen to my grand plan?" he asks.

"Sure," I sigh. I lean back, too tired, and North gets on the bed with me.

"Lean against me, Baby," he says softly. "I'll keep you sitting up, so you don't need to waste your energy." I nod, moving closer, cringing at the pain of me knocking my wound.

"No more moving. You need to be careful with your stomach," Sean admonishes. "Once the new cannula is in we'll get you some meds. What are you like with morphine?"

"She loves it," Dr Roberts says, teasingly. "Well, little bird, I'm going to go. Sean's here, and you'll have the post-op team come around at some point. I'll be round tomorrow."

I don't respond, too lost in the anaesthesia daze.

"Right, Pookie, little pinch here," Sean says. It barely hurts, and then he inserts another one into my arm.

"Dr Green?" the nurse calls. I tune them out, taking refuge in North's warmth. He's soothing and keeps rubbing my thigh which feels nice. I like cuddling with him.

Dr SorensonWhere stories live. Discover now