Chapter 5

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I wake up the next morning just after six am

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I wake up the next morning just after six am. I'm not expected to go into the hospital as much now that I have this assignment with the Blackbourne team, but that means I need to find things to occupy my time. I lie in bed for a few more minutes, before deciding to get up and start the day. I pull on a pair of fluffy socks and reach for my phone.

Outgoing call to North Star

North: Good morning Sang Baby.

Sang: Hi North Star.

North: What's up?

Sang: I didn't wake you, did I? I didn't think that North could potentially be sleeping.

North: No, you didn't wake me.

Sang: I have three assignments, requesting my help, and since we're now co-leads, I figured you would want to go over them with me.

North: I would love to Sang. When are you free?

Sang: I was going to make breakfast, so you could head over now?

North: Perfect. See you in fifteen minutes.

I end my call with North and begin braiding my hair; it's so long, and anything else would take too much effort. I go and unlock the front door before walking into the kitchen. I turn on the coffee machine and set the table. I grab the bacon and eggs from the fridge and start cooking them in the frying pan. A knock sounds on the door and knowing it's North, I shout out that it's open.

He walks into the room with a smile on his face.

"Good morning baby," North says.

"Good morning, North Star," I reply. I put the cooked food onto trays and walk it to the dining room table. "I made breakfast."

"I see that. Thank you," he replies. He comes and sits at the table and we both eat, in silence. "This is really good." I smile in response. I make sure to eat over half my plate so that North doesn't worry. We finish quite quickly, and I stand up to clear the table.

"Leave that," North tells me. "You cooked; I'll clean." I nod my head, although it feels strange to let a guest clean my house for me.

"Go put some clothes on whilst I clear this up, Sang Baby," North says.

I look down at my shorts and tank top combo and frown.

"I am wearing clothes North," I tell him, confused.

"So you are," he mutters. "Give me ten minutes then baby."

I go into the bedroom and grab two notepads, two pens and my laptop before heading back to the dining room table. My home office desk isn't big enough for us to both sit comfortably on the same side, unless I'm on his lap and I don't know if either of us could do work in that position.

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