Chapter 27

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I'm exhausted

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I'm exhausted. Mentally, physically and all the other -lys. I'm just exhausted. No amount of sleep is fixing it either.

North comes to sit on the bed, after having gone to heat up my soup, and he goes to feed me again. Tears well up in my eyes, because I'm sick of being weak. It's barely been a full day, I don't think, and I've done barely anything but sleep.

"No crying," North says softly. "Baby, you could be here for whatever reason and I'd try to feed you. No crying. I hate it when you cry. You're going to try and eat something, and then we can snuggle. Or you can snuggle with someone else."

"Okay," I mutter. His eyes light up at the attitude and I grin. He's amazing. I have a small mouthful of soup, and it tastes amazing. Hopefully I can keep it down.

"Shall we set the TV in here up?" Sean asks. "Pookie, do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure," I mumble. North glares at him, and brings another spoonful to my mouth.

"Sounds good," Owen agrees. Axel starts setting something up, as I eat. I eat about fourteen or fifteen spoonfuls before I have to call it quits. We're using a tea spoon, so it wasn't a lot, but I really tried.

"You done?" North asks. I nod, and he smiles. "If you wake up in an hour or two and you're hungry tell me. Promise me."

"It'll be late," I say, shaking my head.

"And I've got nothing planned other than spending the day with you," he reassures me. "So if I need to heat up soup at every single hour tonight, I'll do it."

"I—" I start. "I promise."

He glances around and shakes his head. What? "Are you thirsty?" he asks.

"If anymore liquids go into my system I'm going to be sick," I mumble. I'm sick of mumbling and whispering but I don't have any energy to talk louder.

"Okay," North says. He's got a thoughtful expression on his face, and I can only guess at his plans. "Do you need anything else? Want anything else?"

"How did your meeting go?" I ask.

He glances at Owen who nods, and then turns back to me.

"Let me move you over and I'll tell you." Someone dims the lights and North moves us so he's laying in bed with me. The two of us cuddle and I listen as he explains. "We talked. As in each of us explained what is going through our heads. I'll not repeat what was said, since we're trying to be more open with each other and then repeating it doesn't help," he says.

"That's never been a problem with everyone and me," I say. He nods.

"That's what I thought," he replies. "You seem to have the ability to pull everything out of us with a single glance."

"It's a talent," I tease.

"We then devised a task for each of us to do," North says. "Nothing overly taxing or difficult."

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