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Next thing Dan knew, Devon practically threw them out of the pit. When Devon had landed, the shadows stayed near and close to him, covering Dan to protect him.

Everyone turned around shocked to see Devon. Devon saw Wennie between the crowd of world leaders, looking a lot like a servant.

Quinton growled. “Who the hell-” He stopped when he saw the shadows had bended and moved. Devon. He growled to himself.

“Just who do you think you are! You first insult the King and now you're holding this meeting back!” Devon immediately knew who said it.

Moxxie of the Cartagena Territory, also known as Mexico. “Moxxie, I'm surprised you off all people didn't recognize me.” Moxxie went pale and stepped back, almost falling. Kataoka caught her before she could.

“Devon-san. I think explanations are in order.” She tucked her hands away in her kimono sleeves.

Devon glanced towards an exit behind Quinton. Warrick, Gabriel and Valaria stood in the door.

Khumbani came out from a side entrance to the left. “First, I must ask. Just what the hell did you do to the throne room, Quinton?”

Everyone turned to Quinton who tried not to get angry. “How'd you get free?” Quinton then asked.

“Unlike you, we didn't make a deal with a weak demon.” Devon's eyes slowly started to glow dangerously.

“Demon? What on earth are you on about!” The Canadian Queen, ChristieA asked.

Kataoka-San stood next to Devon. Moxxie did the same and soon enough a few more followed behind.

Warrick slowly crept behind Quinton to try and grab the staff that Quinton tried to make seem smaller by keeping it behind his back. The moment Warrick had grabbed a hold of it, Quinton immediately tried to fight for it back.

“Loser.” Warrick smirked as he wasn't going to let it go anytime soon. Gabriel and Khumbani supported Warrick, but in doing so, Quinton tapped into Loxen's power and sent them flying far back.

Devon felt Dan stirring, trying to get free from the shadows. Devon didn't want Dan out. He had to protect him. He couldn't loose him.

Let him go. A soft and warm voice spoke, right into his ear. He couldn't sense any real body behind him. Devon didn't want to. Dan needs to be free. Don't hold him back. He's strong.

Devon slowly opened an opening. Dan stepped out. “What the-” Moxxie stared at Dan. “Is that your pet?”

Dan smiled at Devon, but glared when he saw Quinton. Khumbani and Warrick had sped towards Devon. “Ah! He's in one piece at least!” Warrick noted.

“Dan…” Devon turned to Dan.

“I want to, please…”

Devon nodded slowly. Quinton had turned his attention to Devon. “You! You and Warrick can go die in a ditch! I hate all of you.”

Warrick raised an eyebrow. “Now what he hell did we do to you! We never did anything that would've hurt you!”

“Oh, I'm not petty. It's not that. I hated how much stronger you were. How much you two were favored more!” Quinton laughed to himself. “You didn't even realize that I was the mole the whole time.”

“You're the one who dealed with the petshop.” Warrick said. “The one that kidnapped other pets.”

“Please, that was just a side hustle. I couldn't care less what happened.”

Wennie stood next to Khumbani. “Be careful. That staff contains Loxen inside of it. If he is free, then it's game over.”

Quinton glanced towards the pit. If I have the animal with me. He can slaughter the other royals before they can help Devon. Quinton frowned. What! Where is it!

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