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Devon entered his room with a smile, but smiled even brighter when he saw Dan with a smiling face...a paint smudged face.


"Dan, have you been painting?" Dan nodded happily and picked up the few things he had painted. The first few were just random strokes, then a few shapes and to Devon it looked like abstract art.

"Wennie, you did magnificent. I'm glad he learned something new." Devon said as he puts his stuff down on his desk.

"Oh, Dan and I had ton of fun, sire." Wennie stood up from the black tarp, careful not to bump into the glass of paint water.
"Oh, Dan does seem to have an interest in music. I played a little bit of music while we painted."

Dan saw Devon looking at him with a soft expression. "Perhaps, we can explore more in that then." Devon said and looked at the pictures in his hands. "And in this."
"Dan, Wennie is about to go home. Why don't you greet her and get cleaned up?"

Dan looked defeated. "Don't worry. She'll be back tomorrow."

Dan went and hugged Wennie which she happily returned. "Oh, I love hugs!" Wennie said and did so tightly.

Devon pulled out his wallet and randomly picked out a sum of cash. "Thank you again, Wennie. Go get yourself something nice." Wennie stared at the cash Devon had gently forced into her hand.

"Wow! Thank you for the generous tip." She said and shook his hand. "I'll see you again tomorrow, sire!"

Devon nodded in greeting and watched as she left. Dan was about to leave to the bathroom like he was told to, but Devon grabbed his waist, making Dan whelp in surprise.

He soon felt Devon's lips on his again and he melted in his arms. "Master?"

"Dan, call me Devon when no one is around, okay?" Devon suddenly said. Dan stared at Devon shocked.


"I have my reasons." Devon said, caressing Dan's cheek. His skin felt warm as Devon lightly grazed his fingers over.
"Let's get cleaned up."

"Wh-what about the paint?"

"Don't worry about it." Devon picked Dan up, making the human instinctively grab Devon's neck for extra support. Dan froze, but relaxed when Devon made his way to the bathroom.

The door slowly opened itself with Devon's telekinesis. He went to the bathtub that was very big. It could fit both Devon and Dan in it.

"Open the taps."

Once Dan was on his own feet, he went to the tub and opened the taps like Devon had showed him before.

Dan turned to Devon and saw him approaching the tub with a bright purple bottle. Pouring a cap of it's contents in the tub, Dan curiously watched as fluffy white bubbles formed under the fall of the water.

"What's that?"

"Bubble bath. It helps you to relax." Devon quickly explained, putting the bottle away. Dan leaned in and touched the bubbles. Some of it stuck to his fingers, which he had to shake of vigorously to get off.

Devon put his entire hand in the water and adjusted the water to be a little bit warmer.

"Get undressed."
Dan immediately took of his shirt first. He turned his back to Devon when he threw the shirt into the basket in a lone corner of the room.

Devon smiled sadly at Dan when he saw the scars. They healed beautifully and surprisingly very fast, but Devon didn't want to question it...at least not now.

As Dan undressed, he himself undressed himself and got in the water. When Dan had turned back to Devon, he saw his Master motioning for him to get in opposite of him.

Dan shyly walked to the tub and got in. "What did you and Wennie do today?"

"W-we ate breakfast an-and watched TV. Then a strange man appeared with the paint and we started to paint. Then it was lunch time and Wennie had played the songs from her small TV."

He probably means a phone? Devon smiled and leaned forward, taking Dan's hands that were clasped in each other under the bubbles. "I'm glad you enjoyed the day."


"Ah, it's Devon."

Devon saw Dan was unsure, but smiled when Dan spoke. "D-Devon, why do you like kissing me? What does it mean?"

"Dan, for me to kiss you makes me happy for some reason. Even though I shouldn't, I can't help it."

"Because, I'm human?"

Devon was quiet for a second, "Yes."

"I like it, too." Dan said in a nervous whisper, but Devon's keen ears heard him. Devon tugged at Dan's hands to come closer.

Dan felt Devon's hand lead him to where and how to sit, which happens to be on Devon's lap near his knee area.
Devon cupped Dan's cheeks and kissed him again.

Dan didn't know why, but he moved closer to Devon. With their chests pushed up together, Devon held back a groan.

Devon's hands held Dan's arms as they slowly moved downwards to Dan's wrists. Dan's arms were now made to rest on Devon's shoulders as Devon's hands held onto Dan's hips.

He however stopped himself from going further. Breaking the kiss, he took a sponge and soap from a small rack to the left. He started to wash Dan's body, which made the man blush hard.

Dan was made to rest his head on Devon's chest, enabling Devon to wash Dan's back. He was gentle, even though the wounds were healed.

He traced the biggest scar on Dan's back with his finger as the sponge trailed ahead.
Slightly pushing the man back, he handed Dan the sponge with extra soap. Dan got the message and started to wash Devon's body.

When both of them had rinsed the soap off of them, Devon drained the tub and kissed Dan in his neck. Dan stiffened up from fear at first, but then of pleasure when the bite never came, but sweet sucking.

Dan opened his eyes slightly and saw two towels floating to them, ready to be used. Devon wrapped Dan up in a fluffy grey towel and floated him out of the tub.

Dan held onto the towel, smelling it as he did. This was Devon's towel. The one he usually used after he was done showering. Devon dried himself and went into his room.

Dan followed him, the towel still tightly wrapped around him. On the bed were shorts that Dan could sleep in, which he immediately put on once he was dry.

Devon had a track suit trouser on with nothing else, like Dan. The towels were semt flying back to the bathroom when Devon got in bed. Dan got in next to him, immediately snuggling in close with Devon.

Devon smiled, his fingers playing with Dan's slightly damp hair.
"D-devon, if I was a vampire..."

Dan didn't need to finish the question. Devon understood what Dan meant. "It would still stay secret. Royalty must be with someone of the opposite sex and gender." Devon trailed his fingers down to Dan's jaw and then rested his arm, holding onto Dan.
"In order for the kingdom to be ruled by the same family, they must have the next heir with their blood and so when the heir grows, they'll produce their heir."

"That sounds sad." Dan said, closing his eyes slightly.

"It is." Devon said. "And, one must have at least two heirs. Should the first in line die, the second in line can take over."
Devon felt Dan's body relax more.

"You're tired, you should sleep." Dan was stubborn. He hid his face in Devon's shoulder, but looked up at him when Devon poked him. In front of him floated two pills and a glass of water.

Dan opened his mouth, the pills floated towards the entrance and then he swallowed it down with the water.

The glass floated away, resting on the table. "Rest, my pet. Sleeping well is important and healthy for you." Devon said as he made them comfortable.

Dan yawned, and passed out in Devon's arm. Devon knotted their legs together as he wrapped his other arm around Dan, too.
Not long after he fell asleep to strange, strange sleep.

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