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Dan stopped kicking and bashing at the door when he felt the familiar touch on his mind.

I'm coming…

Is all that Dan's frenzied mind had manage to hear. Devon tried time and time again to reach out, but it's proven difficult.

Dan stepped away from the door. He had to think! Looking around the room and back at the door, he tried to find anything that might break the door open or something. What could he do!

He stared at the roaring bear on the wall. Underneath was just a picture of the bear and nothing more. He moved to the opposite side. There he only found linen and drapes in a trunk as he thew the stuff over his shoulder.

The next place he looked is through every drawer. Maybe he can find a key to unlock the door.

He found no such thing.

A weapon! The only thing in the room he could use was a mop. He picked the thing up. The wooden handle felt rough in his hands.
“Dan, my lad!” Dan held his breath as he made his way to the closet, when Alpha knocked as he entered. Looking through a crack in the door, Dan saw a bowl of something steaming and he will admit, it smelled delicious.

“Dan, do stop hiding. You must eat something. You haven't eaten anything yet.”

Alpha moved towards the bed, putting the bowl on the bed stand. 

Dan slowly got out from the closet, slowly creeping closer to Alpha.

Alpha stood up from looking at the heap of linen next to the bed when he turned around just in time to see Dan swinging the mop at him.

Taken by surprise, Alpha dropped to the floor as Dan made a run for it. He closed the door behind him, locking the door. He ran.


Dan made a hard left and saw an expansive hallway with many doors. Moving on, Dan ran not giving anyone chance to look at him when he passed them.

Keep going!

Dan looked behind him to see everyone had looked down the hallway he had turned from and gave way as Alpha approached.

Sucking in a breath, he kept moving, until he was grabbed from behind. Dan struggled and even threw punches. He successfully landed one in his capturer's face.
“OWW! Devon!” Warrick shouted.

Dan felt a familiar embrace from behind as Warrick had dropped him and saw Devon. He looked in front of him, horrified when he saw who he had punched.
Dan's skin ran cold with fear, but he turned to Devon who held him close.

“What happened, Dan?”

“I don't know! I was unconscious! Where are we!” Dan felt like he wanted to cry. Devon cupped his cheek. “Can we go home, please?”

“We're leaving. Don't worry.” Devon said and threw Dan onto his back.

“Alpha is coming!”

“Who?” Warrick groaned as he rubbed his face.

“He couldn't have possibly punched you so hard.” Devon said an eyebrow raised as they ran.

“Well, he did!”

“Is that howling?”


“He's coming!” Dan shouted.

“Turn us invisible!”

“I can't! Something is blocking my abilities. Try using yours!” Warrick groaned as he tapped into his power, only for them to flicker away out of reach.

 In Love With A Monster©حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن