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Devon groaned internally as he is woke up. He found Dan snuggling into his body yet again while Devon spooned him. Taking out his phone, he scrolled through the news and happenings.

One thing that he just skipped past, was Warrick's announcement of suing the petshop where had bought Sara.
Shortly after that, a news article is posted off the three princes and their journey ahead of them to foreign countries.

Devon suddenly sneezed, making Dan jerk awake. The human calmed down when Devon forced him back down to the bed. Dan had his hand on Devon's chest and stared at it.

His eyes slowly trailed up to Devon's face. He saw the vampire looking at him. His phone still rested slightly on his chest and in his left hand. The screen had darken and Devon didn't seem to care in the slightest.

Leaving the phone on his chest he pulled Dan closer to him, making the human rest on his lap, sitting up straight.

“Master?” Dan had his hands on Devon's chest.

“Just relax.” Devon said, taking Dan's wrists and made him lay down forward. Dan shifted his weight, making Devon bite his tongue when Dan sat too perfectly, but he didn't complain.

Devon could feel Dan's heart beating against his chest, feeling every thump and bump. “How do you feel?”

“I feel better than yesterday.” Dan said, making Devon sigh in relief.

“I'm glad, but what about now as in this moment?” Dan felt Devon's handson Dan's back, making shivers go up his spine.

Dan stiffened up his back as Devon moved his hands upwards, eventually cupping Dan's cheeks.

“Master? This is all new to me. What are you doing?” Dan managed to say when he slightly lifted up his head.
“Are you going to feed on me?”

“I'll never feed on you like this, but say it's an emergency then maybe.” Devon stared into Dan's violet pools he called eyes, his fingers tangling slightly in Dan's locks.

“As to what we are doing. I'm not actually supposed to be like this with you, for you are male and human.” Dan's confused face had Devon smiling. “But I can't resist it for some reason.”

Soon enough, Dan felt Devon's lips on his again. Dan didn't know why, but he liked it. The feeling in his chest and the the tingling sensation on his arms…he didn't know the word for it, but fun was the first word to pop up.

Devon still held on to Dan's wrists as he kissed him. Dan found himself moving his own lips in accord to Devon's, which made the vampire kiss him even deeper.

Dan opened his eyes and saw he was now below Devon. The vampire stared down at Dan. For a moment Dan thought Devon was contemplating to take a bite, but he didn't.

“Why is this wrong for you to do, Master?” Dan asked, almost immediately regretting it. Dan didn't need to know the why and how of royal life. He's a pet. An living organism of entertainment for vampires.

“As a prince, I should marry a girl and have a child with her and well, she must be a vampire. Human and vampire, can't have a child together.” Devon tucked a hair behind Dan's ear.
“But no one has to know about what we do, is that clear?”

Dan just nodded in understanding. “You want more?” Devon then asked, making Dan's face go red. The vampire found it amusing that Dan blushed.

Dan didn't need to answer. Devon leaned in and kissed him again. This time a bit rougher. Dan felt Devon's fingers grazing Dan's right arm, slowly moving to the rim of his shirt.

He felt overwhelmed, but in a good way. This is all new to him. Devon slipped his hand underneath Dan's shirt and found what he was looking for.
Dan arched his back as he felt a soft pinch on his right nipple.
The feeling intensified when Devon kissed Dan's jaw and then his neck. When Dan moaned, Devon smirked.

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