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It was late afternoon when Devon noticed Dan started to slightly feel better. The lunch that was originally brought for Dan met its demise through Devon, seeing that the vampire didn't want to waste the food and he was hungry himself.

Devon, however, knew that they had to get their dinner downstairs and Dan had to come along.
There was no way that Devon was going to leave Dan alone again.

Until he has Wennie watching over him, then Dan is to stay nearby.

When it was time for dinner, Dan lazily walked behind Devon. The affects of the drugs still hasn't entirely wore off, but Dan was awake nonetheless.

Valaria and Gabriel were shocked when they saw Devon enter with Dan behind him. It was just him and his parents for now.
They mostly stared at Dan with his grogginess and slight disoriented movements.

Devon saw his parents's confused and curious looks. He proceeded to start explaining. Valaria's eyes widen as Devon explained what he knew.

“If a member of the staff can poison a pet, who's to say they won't do it to us?” Valaria noted.

“We must have this matter handled. Nothing is to be said about it. Not even to Quinton and Warrick.” Gabriel said. He leaned to his left and saw Dan leaning against Dan's chair, half asleep.

“He certainly looks like the creature mentioned in the legend.” He then said. “Do you know why he looks like that?”

“It's a genetic mutation, father. It's very rare and Dan just so happen to have it.”

“Oh, but dear, doesn't the legend say that the creature has mismatched eyes? One gold and one violet?”

“Oh yeah, that's true.”

“Don't tell me you believe this legend is true?” Devon looked between his mother and father. “It's just a legend and a story.”

“Son, understand as a King we must be open minded. If there's just a slight chance of even this being true, all royals would practically be dethroned.” Gabriel the smirked. “Besides, legends are based on truth. Legends had to originate from something?”

Yeah, it originated from a overly creative person.

Devon just nodded.

Warrick announced his presence loudly as he entered the room. “I am here and ready to feast!”

Warrick sat down next to Valaria this time. “Mother, you look ravishing in this beautiful moonlit light.” He said.

“And to what do I owe this good mood?”

“Nothing! I'm just in a good mood!” Warrick said. He turned to the door and then to the rest of his family. “Why is he always late? Does he have a girlfriend or something hidden in his room?”

Devon frowned for a second. Quinton isn't one to be late, even if he's extremely busy. Something is up with Quinton.

It wasn't long after when Quinton entered the room. With a neutral expression, he made his way to sit next to Devon.

Quinton eyed Dan's sleeping form on the floor and then Devon who immediately shot a warning glare at his brother.

Quinton scoffed softly, rolling his eyes. Dinner carts were rolled into the room, making Dan stir. Devon looked down to see the human groggily looking at him, but then moved underneath the table where he rested his head on Devon's foot.

Devon jumped his foot up and down in an attempt to wake Dan up, but he was out like a candle. Sighing, he left Dan alone and started to eat.

He'll have food delivered up to his room if Dan gets hungry. “This research facility in Tokyo, what type of research is going to be conducted?”

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