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Dan woke up with the sun beaming down into his eyes. He struggled keeping his eyes open until a shadow loomed over him. It was Devon.

“Master?” Dan said shocked.

“My pet. I see you took the pill.” Devon said.

Dan just nodded at Devon.

“Since you behaved, you'll be rewarded with whatever you want.”

“Anything, Master?”


“I don't know what I want, Master.” Dan said shyly, but then looked at Devon's lips.

“It's okay. I have an idea.” Devon stood up, enabling the sun to blind Dan. Dan sat up straight, watching Devon go to his bag. He pulled out a red marker and a advertisement pamphlet book.

“I'm going out on a date again. While I'm away, take this pen and circle what looks interesting to you.” Dan took the pen and eyed the object and then at the book.

The small, thin pamphlet like book had smooth slightly hard paper and had pictures of toys, clothes and accessories for pets. Dan smiled up at Devon.

The smile made Devon's slow beating heart stop. “Thank you, Master.”

Devon just smiled and left to the bathroom. Dan got out of the bed and sat down at the coffee table like he always did. He puts it down nicely on the table, patiently waiting for Devon to finish.

The vampire exited the bathroom wearing a silky red suit with a black shirt and white tie.

Devon saw Dan smiling at him. He looked one last time at himself in the mirror before greeting Dan bye.

Dan happily looked at the pamphlet in front of him. He turned the TV on, waiting for his breakfast.

He took the marker and looked at the clothes. He circled three outfits that he liked. Turning the page, he found things for entertainment.
He stared at the paper on front of him. There were many things that looked interesting, but he didn't want to push his luck.

He circled books, art supplies and what looked like a picture with strange blocks that broke into pieces. He wished he knew what it was.

The door clicked open. He stared at the entrance as the very same vampire entered the room again. Dan sat perfectly still, watching as food was put down in front of him.

He expected some harsh words, scowling or hissing maybe even spitting into his food, but nothing. The vampire left chuckling to herself.

“Odd…” He softly said. Turning his attention to his food, he saw a stack of flapjacks with maple syrup and milk. Dan started eating.

He watched TV, laughing at the morning cartoons that showed. Dan eyed the remote, wanting to change the channel, only to see his vision getting blurry. He felt horrible.
Dizziness took over, while Dan tried to blink away the darkness that slowly surrounded his vision.

The blurriness soon changed to complete darkness and Dan collapsed to the floor, hitting his head on the side of table as he did.


Devon had put up his very convincing fake smile the whole date through. This girl, didn't let him get a single word in.
She talked and talked and talked with no end. Devon doubted kissing her would do the trick.

Devon thought he was going to sit at this restaurant the whole day through.

Fortunately, he managed to end the date. He tried not to mention anything to not let this woman start talking again.

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