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Quinton breathed heavily as he trecked through the rough terrain of the woods.

“Tell me I'm fucking close!” He shouted into a smart watch on his wrist. A small blue stripe danced to the tone of the voice

“SHOW SOME RESPECT! JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE A PRINCE DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHUNT ME AROUND!” Quinton growled, but smiled. “It's up ahead! Keep going straight.”

Quinton slashed away at the low hanging branches and bushes.

“You still haven't told me what you had put in their tea.” Quinton sliced down a large bush. “The palice is so quiet.” Quinton happily sighed.

“Tell me your secrets and I tell you mine.”

Quinton checked a book he had stolen from the queen's castle.
“Once I have this bloody gem, I will have control over all vampires.” Quinton started as he smiled.
“Not even Devon is going to be able to put a scratch on me.”

“Just kill your brothers, is that simple.”

“No, it's not. Warrick may be an idiot, but he's still stronger than me.” Quinton growled.

“How are you exactly going to make sure that they are out of the way then?"”

Quinton squinted his eyes when sunlight had hit his face. “Simple, I make them powerless and then I kill them.” Quinton smirked.
“I found the cave.”

“Quinton, wait!” Quinton ended the call, going to the entrance. Darkness had consumed the far end of the cave, but it didn't stop Quinton.

As a vampire, he didn't need much light to be able to see. He frowned when he saw many of the traps were disabled. Treading onward, he dodged a few traps.
Glancing back, he couldn't even see the entrance.

Looking around he, didn't see any bodies. He concluded that some animal must've taken away the corpses and fed on it.

Stepping carefully, he eventually found himself at a cliff.

To the left - a waterfall ran down black rocks, but nothing else stood out. Walking along on the ledges, Quinton tried to see if something was behind the waterfall, only to slip on the rock.

Plummeting down, Quinton let out a scream when he had his shoulder. “Fuck, that hurts…” He cursed himself for not using his wall clambering gift.

I must be close then...there was nothing behind the waterfall.

Slowly rising to his feet, he looked around for his backpack. Picking it up, he slung it onto his good shoulder.

“This way…”

“Who said that! I demand you show yourself!”

A faint light blue glow emitted from a crack in the cave. Frowning, he went to the crack, finding something moving away alongside with the glow, going down into the crack.

Quinton hissed. He really wished he had Devon's shape-shifting power. Just thinking of it made him mad. He dropped the bag down and squeezed himself through the crack.

Eventually and barely, he managed to push through the end.

“Here…come…” A raspy, old voice spoke.
“Take my power and become King of All.” Quinton smirked.

He had found it.

He picked up the red gem in his hand. Inspecting it, he started to laugh. “I'll be the most powerful vampire to ever exist!”
Grasping the gem, he looked at the rock where it was placed on.

“Put it in.” Quinton traced his fingers over the relief that perfectly shaped the gem's body.

The larger middle part looked very triangular and edgy in shape while it had two smaller crystals coming out from the side and top, curling in such a way that it reminded Quinton of a koedoe's horn.

 In Love With A Monster©Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin