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Dan jumped when Wennie's phone rung. Wennie was quick to answer the phone and quickly exchange today's happenings with Devon.

When she was done, Dan practically snatched the phone from her with a wide grin.

“Master, are you safe?”

“Almost, we're going to get off soon.” Devon said. “Wennie told me that you started the singing lessons again.”

“I did. It helped to distract me for a bit.” Devon smiled. Dan suddenly frowned when heard someone speak differently. “What was that?”

“It's a Japanese person. They don't speak English as much as we do. They have three different alphabets and a very different language.” Dan watched intrigued as Devon turned to the Japanese worker, speaking to him fluently.

Dan's mouth hung agape. Devon chuckled when he turned to the phone again. “I can teach you to speak Japanese if you want.”

“Sounds hard.” Dan declined.

“It isn't once you get used to it.” Devon then smirked. “Are you going to sing something to me when I return?”

“Uh, I don't - I can try.” Dan said and then looked over the phone at Wennie who was busy in the bathroom.

“I can't wait then.” Devon said.

“Wennie said my new puzzles are coming tomorrow. I'm going to leave one out so that we can build it together.”

“We can do that. I'll bring some back for you, too. Beautiful ones.” Devon said, making Dan blush.

“You're so far away.” Dan groaned, a smile creeping onto his face. “A week feels too long.”

“It is too long, isn't it?” Dan once again heard the Japanese worker speaking.

Devon's sigh made Dan sad. He knew what it meant. “I have to go now. I'll call again later, okay? Remember to take your sleeping pill.” Devon said as he stood up.

“I will, don't worry.” Dan sadly said. He watched Devon close his eyes. Dan frowned, but smiled when he felt a soft touch on his mind. Looking at Devon again, he saw Devon practically staring into Dan's soul.

Dan melted from the inside out, and it's then when he saw an image of them in Devon's bed, all snuggled up and kissing each other in the warm embrace of the blankets.

“I'm with you, okay? I'll see you soon.” Devon ended the call there and Dan held the phone to his chest.
Dan couldn't explain it. It's like Devon is with him, even though he isn't there physically. It made him feel warm inside.

“Dan! It's time for you to take a bath!” Wennie called out for. Dan stood up, putting the phone on Wennie's bedstand.

Going to the bathroom, Wennie left to give him privacy. “Bathe quickly, the water will go cold if you take too long.” Wennie said, closing the door.

Dan undressed and got in the tub. Closing his eyes, he could've sworn he could feel Devon's lips on his, but when he opened them it disappeared.

I can feel it. It's like he is in my mind.

Washing himself, his mind got flooded with memories of them in bath - smiling, laughing, kissing and the closeness…

Dan got out the tub when he felt the water cooling down. Drying, getting dressed and ready for bed, he drank his pill and got underneath the covers of his own little bed.

He wondered how he was going to sleep without Devon and in a smaller bed, too. Wennie stood next to Dan's bed and smiled.
“Tomorrow we're going to have a lot of fun okay. One day had already passed so quickly so imagine how quickly tomorrow is going to fly by while we have fun?” Wennie said.

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