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Devon once again found himself flying over a landscape as a crow. He, however, didn't recognize the land beneath him. It's definitely European, but where and when in Europe, he didn't know.

He landed on a washing line. The first thing he noticed was the well kept grounds and massive mansion looming over him.

Outside, way further off from where he is, he saw as clear as day, a family of vampires.

He flew in closer to them, landing in a tree where two men stood chatting casually about their business and their house life while smoking on their pipes.

“The Moonshire family plans to start a vampire revolution? When?” The one man asked. His suit is a classic in style. Baige in color with black shoes and a white tie, he looked at his friend like he was mad. “This is insane, it has to be a rumor.”

“It isn't. But enough about that.” He looked over his back to see if his wife were close by. He leaned in closer. “So remember when we were kids, our folks told us this ridiculous story of a hybrid creature?”

“It's just a story, but what about it.”

“I know it's a fucking story! Listen, my wife's father knew more of the story.”  He laughed.
“Turns out this creature is said to have a vampire lover to share its power.” He started laughing. “And then they'll be bonded or mated or whatever for all of eternity. Romantic crap, ya know? The lover is even named the Fated Lover. Idiotic, ain't it?”

“You got me there.” The man puffed on his pipe. “The story is such a piece of crap. I wonder what this man was smoking when he shared the so called prophecy.” He leaned against the tree bark. “Heck, maybe I should get myself some of that. It'll help ignore that woman's constant whining.” He threw his arm in the air as he motioned to his wife.

“Hey, you married her. That's on you and between the two of you.”


Devon groaned when his alarm went off yet again. This time he opted to throw the damn contraption across the room. The loud crash made Dan jerk awake.

Dan found himself on his stomach, clutching onto Devon's arm that he's using as a pillow. He looked across the room and saw no danger. “It's morning already?” He pouted, turning to Devon.

Devon smiled sadly, nodding slowly. “Hey, before you know it, you'll be back in my arms.” Devon cupped his face. “I'll call Wennie's phone once I have landed. Then we can talk for a bit.”

Dan nodded sadly. “I'll miss you.” Dan's voice cracked. Devon pulled him in closer, holding him in a loving grip. “Please, don't leave.” Dan said in a small whisper.
Devon closed his eyes and rubbed circles on Dan's back.

“Your highness.” It was Wennie, softly knocking on the door.

Devon opened the door with his mind. “Close the door when you come in.” Devon said.

Wennie slowly entered the room, opening the door just enough for her to enter. Her eyes widen slightly when she saw Dan hiding himself in Devon's arms.

She looked at the human with sadness. “He really loves you.” Wennie smiled. Devon made Dan sit up straight.
Dan didn't jump like he usually did when he saw Wennie.
“Hey, Dan! Don't worry about Devon. He'll be back before you know it AND you'll speak to him whenever he gets a chance.”

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