But before he could say anything more, Jungkook presented the third test result. "WHAT? REALLY?" Taehyung shouted, his voice echoing through the room as he jumped up from his seat, disbelief written all over his face. Overcome with emotion, he hugged Jungkook tightly and showered him with kisses.

"Ah," Jungkook pushed him back a bit and gave him a stern look. "What happened?" Taehyung asked, confusion etched in his features but still trying to pull Jungkook into another hug. "Didn't you see that?" Jungkook pointed at the test strips, his tone a mix of frustration and bewilderment.

Taehyung nodded, a bright smile gracing his lips. "What did you see?" Jungkook inquired further, his hands resting firmly on his hip. "Positive," Taehyung replied cheerfully. "Only positive?" Jungkook pressed, seeking clarity. "No. Mm. Negative," Taehyung corrected himself, his expression shifting to uncertainty. "Then?" Jungkook persisted, his patience wearing thin. "Blank?" Taehyung ventured, his uncertainty growing.

Jungkook's gaze intensified, his frustration evident. "Are you an alien?" he quipped, a playful pout adorning his lips.

"Are you an alien?" he asked, his frustration showing through a pout. "What? Me? What did I do?" Taehyung responded, his confusion mirroring Jungkook's own. "How can you disorient my entire system? Now see, my body is confused," Jungkook complained, walking to the bed and sat there with crossed leg and crossed hands. "I didn't do anything, Jungkook," Taehyung said, pouting back at him, walking to him.

 "I didn't do anything, Jungkook," Taehyung said, pouting back at him, walking to him

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"I will go buy a new kit and then we will check," Taehyung said with a soft smile. In response, Jungkook looked at him and made a small pout with his lips that showed how upset he was inside and how much he wanted clarity in the midst of his chaos. Still, there was a glimmer of hope, a silent plea for peace and assurance.

Taehyung rose from his bed and as he gathered his things, the soft jingle of his car keys and the rustle of his wallet could be heard throughout the room. Taehyung extended his hand instinctively, fingers reaching out to affectionately pet Jungkook's head, a gesture of comfort and reassurance. But when his eyes met Jungkook's intense double bunny stare, his hand shook in the air and slowly pulled away.

"It's true, Jungkook. I... I didn't do anything. My taetae is innocent." Taehyung whispered with a gentle pout, his voice barely above a murmur. But Jungkook kept silent. "Do you want me to prove it again?" Taehyung asked, keeping the key and the wallet back on the side table and started taking off his tees. "Ah. I will kick you out." Jungkook took the pillow and threw it at him, when he saw Taehyung fiddling with his pant button and zipper. "Ouch.. Ouch.. I will go." Taehyung said and rushed out of the room.

After a few minutes of thoughtful silence, Jungkook finally let out a deep sigh. The sound of his sigh seemed to carry the weight of his confusion. He slowly gathered all the test results and carefully stacked them, as if each one held a piece of the puzzle. After getting the results, he went to Jimin's room, hoping that he could give him a new point of view or some comforting words that would help him make sense of what was going on.

For the past half-hour, the room had become a quiet hub of tense anticipation, with three brunettes; Jimin, Mrs. Kim, and Jungkook, clustered tightly around three white sticks. Jimin's eyes moved carefully from the test results to the faces of Mrs. Kim and Jungkook, trying to gauge their reactions and seeking clues in their expressions. The atmosphere was thick with anxiety and hope, each person silently willing the sticks to deliver a clear and favorable answer.

"I have seen this before, but not simultaneously," Jimin remarked, his voice carrying a tone of solemnity as he offered his observation. Jungkook, with a slight pout, leaned back against the headboard of the bed as his gaze drifted towards the little baby nestled nearby, innocence and joy radiating from her as she giggled with her rattle. "Hmm. I believe it is positive," Mrs. Kim concluded, her tone firm as she shared her assessment. 

"Yes, I also think so. Didn't you remember? Last time the result showed negative, but you were pregnant," he reminded her. Mrs. Kim nodded in acknowledgment.

Their deep conversation was cut short when there was a soft knock on the door, which meant Taehyung was there. "Here," he said quietly, holding out a plastic kit to Jungkook. As soon as he took it, Jungkook quickly checked what was inside before running into the bathroom.

Taehyung nervously smiled at the other people in the room before settling down next to the baby and gently stroking her soft cheeks as he tried to relax in her presence. The room fell silent as everyone, lost in their own thoughts and feelings, waited to see what Jungkook had to tell them while he headed out of the bathroom.

As the soft click of the door signaled Jungkook's return from the bathroom, all eyes in the room turned expectantly towards him. Jungkook put the white stick on the side table without saying a word. His sigh echoed the general feeling of disappointment that was in the air. Immediately the others crowded around the stick, their hearts racing as they looked for proof that their hopes were real.

After taking the result, Taehyung laid back on the bed with his eyes fixed on the white ceiling. He pressed his lips together in a silent sign of resignation. "Negative?" Jimin ventured, confusion lacing his words. "Mm. Try another one also," Mrs. Kim suggested, her voice tinged with a note of determination. Jungkook nodded in agreement and took out another package from the kit before going back into the bathroom. The weight of their uncertainty could be heard in his footsteps.

This time, Jungkook wordlessly placed the stick on the table, his expression betraying no emotion. "Mm. What is it?" Mrs. Kim's voice carried a sense of urgency as she hurried to inspect the result, followed closely by Jimin. Taehyung lifted his upper body to get a glimpse of the outcome."What is it? Positive, right?" As Mrs. Kim asked, she looked carefully at the stick to see if there was any sign of a second line. Jimin looked at the white stick very carefully and precisely. He kept his eyes sharp on the faint traces of a second line. "Ah, the second line is very light. It's barely visible," he noted as he scrutinized the stick with eagle-eyed precision."So what, there is a line," Mrs. Kim insisted, taking the stick from Jimin and squinting in an attempt to see result more clearly. "We can say both yes and no," Jimin said, demonstrating how unclear the situation was. Jimin took the stick from Mrs. Kim gave it to Taehyung. His eyes kept moving back and forth between the stick and Jungkook, who was standing nearby with a pout on his face. "Let's ask Yoongi hyung." Jimin said as a final word and others nodded.

..to be continued..

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