part 1

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Yn pov:
Hii everyone I am yn the author must have told u about here I am sleeping peacefully with my brother.i was in my dreamland suddenly I heard my uncle and aunt voice they were literally screaming on each other or we can say they were fighting I quickly wake up from my sleep and hurriedly got off from my bed and run downstairs too see what's happening I was right they were fighting and the reason was me and my brother. From the day we are leaving here my aunt never liked us.
She always taunt us and she also never let uncle give us money.Rn now also uncle was coming to my for giving me money cuz he said to me last night but I guess aunty get to know about it.uncle saw me standing on stairs and having tears in eyes.He gave me pity look and looked down and signaled me to go back to my room.i came back to my room and silently cried cuz I don't want my brother to know that I am crying.

After some time I stopped crying and went to washroom for freshing up cuz I have to go school. I also awake my brother from sleep so he can also go to school on time. We both get ready
And I came downstairs. I looked at my aunt and she was glaring at me.I looked away from her. Then my uncle called our names to eat breakfast.We both sat down and started to eat.uncle
And aunt have a daughter her name is Ara she didn't  like me. Idk why she always hate me and bully me in school. I never tell anyone about it.My  uncle work in a company as a manager. So he always drop us. Me and my brother (yon) we both stood up and went towards car. We were waiting for uncle to come. I saw Ara was coming she came and crossed her arm and started to glare at me. I looked down because of fear.and she started to shout on me
Ara:U know whatt because of u mom and dad were again fighting.
Yn:b-but I didn't d-did any-y thing. I always said t-to uncle not to give me m-money but he never listened.
Ara: Don't be a bitch I know u better then anyone.anyway did u did my homework
Yn:yes i-i did here it is.
I said while giving her homework.
Ara: Good or else u know what I will do with u . She said while smirking
In a mean time uncle came and we all sat in car. Uncle started to drive the car we are were sitting silently. After 15 min later we reached out school
Uncle bid goodbye and drove off
Yon know that how Ara behave with me and he also try to tell aunt but I always stop him from doing it. Because I don't want to be someone who broke relationships.
Yon study in different school and his school is near mine Soo I first send him to his school then went mine

I entered in school and went to my class .I am in last year. I entered in my class .Ara was with me too cuz we both are class fellow. Their my one and only Best friend Jea she is such a nice girl. She is the only girll who understand me and help mee. I really love herr. I put my bag near her because we both sit together. There she noticed my presence and smiled at me.
Jea: hey buddy hruu
Yn: as usual fine u
Jea: me too
I looked down and sigh. Jea looked at me worriedly and asked me what happened
Yn: u know uncle and aunt again fought because of mee idk Jea what to do I am Soo tensed.
Jea: u believe on God he will make everything right.just trust him ok
Suddenly the bell ring and everyone settled on their seats. Teacher came and start to teach us

Ara pov:
Ahhhhh I fucking hate this bitch .If I get a chance I won't even wait a second and throw her out from my house. Such a bitch I don't even know how mom and dad are bearing here.
Mina: u are right Ara idk why uncle and aunt even let her staying
Ara: mom also don't like her it's just my dad who loves her we don't. If me
And mama get a chance then u see
Hana: then do something. she said with a evil smile
Ara: Yes Hana u r right now I think it's  time  to do something big . She said while looking at her. Suddenly bell ring
Ara: oh shit who's class is this. she asked her friends
Mina: physics
Hana: fuckk I don't like physics class should we bunk
Ara: we can't it's first period we will bunk next one.
And they also settled in their seats

End of Ara pov.

There's the our main lead role. Who is ruling over the world. Everyone is scared of him because of his cruelty
He never care about others feeling. He always do what he wants.and  No one can stop him.because he himself a devil. Everything is controlled by him .Even police and government  also never took any action against him because they know what he can do. There he is sitting in his office  room like a king wearing a expensive tuxedo.having tattoos showing how handsome and dangerous he is
The CEO of the jeon enterprise.
The office room was decked out with luxurious and expensive furniture. The desk was a polished mahogany piece, the chair was a plush leather executive chair that looked like it belonged in a CEO's office, and the bookshelves were made of rich, dark wood that exuded elegance. Every piece of furniture in the room was carefully selected to create an atmosphere of sophistication and success. It was a space where comfort met opulence, making work feel like a luxurious experience.
Everything which was present in the room screaming how rich he is.
He was sitting in his office room when suddenly someone enter in his office room.
In the corner of the lavish office room, a deep and dangerous voice resonated, cutting through the silence like a sharp blade. The voice belonged to a mysterious figure seated behind a grand desk, shrouded in shadows cast by the dim lighting. Every word that dripped from their lips carried an air of authority and intimidation, sending shivers down the spines of those who dared to enter the room. It was a voice that demanded attention and respect, leaving an unsettling feeling in its wake.
The person who entered in his office got scared after listening his deep and dangerous voice.
S-s-sir the person who entered spoke
Speak scretary Minha he said with his raspy voice
Scretary Minha: Mr jeon the meeting is about to start in 10 min
Jungkook: ok I will be there in 5 min you may leave now
Scretary Minha : yes sir

Okay byeee noww I will try to post thee next part tomorrow hope u will like it thanks 💜👀💫

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