★Teiko 10

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Miyuki POV

In our science class, it so happened that we were to do an experiment. My peers knew that it was partnering or grouping time and they began to eye their friends telling them 'you know what to do'.

"Choose your partners." The teacher said and the class went wild. We were to choose our partners. It would go a different scene i we were partnered off.

"Miyuki---" I heard Misaki call me, but was cut.

"Sorry Ohara chin, Yuki-chin's my partner." Murasakibara blocked her from me.

I waited for him to move out of the way and Misaki and I quickly eyed each other in a disappointed way.

"I-it's okay Miyu, i'll just find somebody else." She whimpered but was wearing a fake smile. She turned away and I was left with the giant.

"Hello partner chin~" he didn't seem so excited, his voice still sounded bored.

I was feeling quite sulky. I can't believe Misaki gave me up so quickly like that. Murasakibara doesn't look like he'll help me at all. He'll probably be a burden to me.

Bacteria. That was our topic. We just had to watch different bacteria cultures in dishes.

"They're so tiny..." Murasakibara murmured and I stared at him for saying something so stupid.

"What?" He frowned at me.

"Of course they're tiny. What did you expect?" I snapped.

"I don't know. It never came to me. I don't like small things.." He replied.

"For someone so big..." I sighed. I didn't finish what I was going to say, "Stegosaurus Rex." I coughed.

"Are you implying I have a small brain?" He glared at me.

"Now where did you get that idea?" I used sarcasm.

"You've become mean now. Ever since I sort of called you fat." He pouted.

I ignored him.

"Probably you weren't listening that day..." He said,

"...even if I said your thighs were a little fat, I said they look nice. I mean, they suit you." He continued to explain.

"You see, I don't like girls with thin legs. Especially those who have thigh gaps." He shivered a little.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I don't know, it just looks weird to me. They don't look normal... Or healthy."

I smiled and gave out quite a boisterous laugh.

He made me laugh. To say that thin legs don't look normal was generalizing those people who have them too much. I mean, its their own body structures.

"You two! Fifth row!" The teacher shouted at us. I quickly finished my laughter.

We kept our eyes down on the microscope and cultures. "You got us in trouble..." Murasakibara rubbed it in.

"It was your fault. You made me laugh." I whispered back.

"The first time I heard you laugh..." He smiled.

I kept quiet.

"Is Yukichin still mad at me?" He asked.

"I'll think about it." I replied.

"But I already made you laugh. It means you're not mad anymore." He reasoned.

"Fine. Now shut up before sensei hears us again." I hissed.



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