★Teiko 3

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|Atsushi POV|

Yuki-chin... I could see her back from my seat.

Her burgundy hair was straight and it curled just at the ends like whipped cream.

She never slouched and she never put her head down on her desk either. It's like she never takes a break.

my thoughts went away when i saw her turn around and look at me..

|Miyuki POV|

I could feel someone staring at me from behind. I looked over my shoulder and saw Murasakibara staring at me. Surprisingly he was awake today.

His eyes were so dull yet so deep. Sometimes i find myself lost when i look into them. His frame was a little broad and chubby but he looks a bit muscular when he wears the school jersey. His messy long hair makes me want to run my fingers through them.
I admit, I took a liking of Murasakibara.


"Murasakibara." I called him during dismissal.

He stopped and waited for me. "What is it, Yukichin?"

"Carry my things to the locker." I ordered and he did without any objections. He did it quietly.

"Yukichin..?" He suddenly spoke.

I was listening.

"...how come I never see you with Aka-chin?" He asked.

"Is it important to see me with him?"

"It's just weird. Aren't siblings supposed to talk to each other every now and then?"

"We do talk. Just not here. My brother is busy. He has to study and he has your basketball team to perfect as well."

"Perfect... The team?" He chuckled, "with me there, it's already perfect." I didn't know he was conceited.

"Oh yes, absolutely." I answered sarcastically as we reached my locker. I took my things and put them away neatly.

I took a compact mirror out to see if I still looked presentable. My hair was good, and so was my clean face, my uniform was still crisp.

I went to get my perfume from my bag when I noticed, Murasakibara hasn't left yet and was watching me.

I turned to him with a glare, "do you mind?"

"Just go ahead and do your thing..." He said.

So I did, I sprayed my perfume on while he was there. "Why haven't you left?" I looked at him again.

It took a while before he answered, "well... You didn't tell me to leave..."

"That should've been automatic since I only asked you to carry my things. I did not ask you to stay."

He had no reply. He went closer instead.

He stooped down and took a few sniffs, "Marshmallows." He murmured.


"You smell like marshmallows..."

I ignored him and walked right past him.

"Ano... Aren't you gonna come to our practice?"

"What business do I have there?"

"I don't know. I thought you'd wanna watch me and your brother."

"There's no reason to."

"I want you to watch..." He said sincerely. I felt uneasy, put in this situation when he tells me he personally wants me to watch him run around chasing a ball. There was a feeling inside me swirling around making me somewhat deciding against practicality.


A/N: I can't let the subtopic of marshmallows go rn. Lol.

Oh and sorry for all the small 'I's :( I keep on forgetting to edit it while doing on my phone.

The Empress and The Titan (KnB fanfic • Murasakibara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now