★Teiko 23

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Miyuki Pov

Knowing that I had to leave by the end of this school year, I decided to spend my time leisurely with friends.

It's the first time that I've ever valued friendship all my life and It's sad that I have to leave it all behind.

"Hey Atsushi, do you want to go to Le Parfait?" It was a famous sweet shop in town. I know he won't say no.

"Of course!" He sounded so happy. I knew that he didn't have practice. it was the perfect day.

I spent time with Atsushi a lot. Among the players, we were the closest and I think I'd honestly miss him the most.


At Parfait House, he ordered a tall Sundae and I ordered a chocolate banana split.

He looked so happy gobbling up his ice cream so fast. I just had the pleasure of watching.

"Yukichin, why do you have so much free time lately?" he asked me. Maybe he was wondering why I often asked him to hangout after school.

Every time he says that he wants to eat, I fulfill his wishes.

"Don't you like it?" I asked.

"It's not that! but doesn't Yukichin have work to do?" he asked with a childish tone.

"Lately I've been doing it when you guys have basketball practice." I lied. I just really stopped doing my paper work.

"You should've thought about that earlier." He chided which made me chuckle.

He was such a big kid. Watching him makes me feel more grown up. I gave him a tissue to wipe his face with.

"I'll be hanging out with Kise the next time you guys don't have practice." I told him.

"What? why him?"

"Because I want to."

"Can I come?"

"No duh."

"but why?"

"because Kise doesn't come when we go out does he? So you shouldn't either." I snapped.

He sulked after that.


Their next day off, I went to talk to Kise at his classroom but he wasn't there. he must be with the team at the canteen.

When I got there, they were all looking at me.

"Hey Miyuki chan! I'm so glad you thought of treating us out later!" Kuroko said. My eyes widened with a bit of surprise.

"Huh?" Was all I could say.

"I told them, Yukichin. we're all hanging out later, right?" Atsushi said.

I nodded and said nothing. how could I say no? I sat beside Atsushi and they began talking about where we could all handout and eat. I just smiled and listened. It wasn't a bad idea to treat the whole team anyway. I was still a.little annoyed by Atsushi though.

"It was just supposed to be me and Kise hanging out later." I hissed in his ear.

"No can do. You can't be alone on dates with Ryochin~" he hummed.

Such a kid. *face palm*

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