★Teiko 16

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"Miyuki, there's a package for you again." Seijuro said, maybe wondering why I've had a lot of packages this past few days. He gave me my package.

"thanks" I told him to end his suspicion.

"What is it?"

"A shirt I bought online for Kise."

He looked at me, "it's so unlike you to give gifts."

"It's just this Christmas." I assured him, "i want your teammates to see me as your nice little sister." I said. We both gave a chuckle.


"You're leaving tonight?" i asked Seijuro nii. I saw him leaving his room with two sports bags.

"Yes. I'll be on my way." He looked at me one last time.

"Have a safe trip, oniisan." I said as I watched his back farther and farther from me.

I forgot that the team was leaving tonight. I wish I had the time to get ready so I could go say goodbye to them in person. Especially Atsushi.


With the team gone, It was so quiet. hanging out with other people seem to feel awkward compared to me eating with Atsushi or Kise.

I guess I got used to Atsushi being with me almost every day.

I focused on the lectures and the teachers' faces. I forced myself to not look behind me as well. I had nobody to check on anyway.

"Aww. Do you miss your boyfriend?" Misaki tried to tease me.

"We don't have that kind of relation." I said.

"I was just kidding. You seem like it though. You guys are almost there~" she hummed.

"I just keep an eye on him because my brother asked me to." I really didn't want to keep this conversation going so I read my book instead.


Now, I had time for myself. I had time to come home early and wrap my gifts. I had time to read every document, even the fine print. I had all the time in the world but it still was quiet.

On the second day, Atsushi called me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi Yukicchin~~ ohayoo~~" he prolonged his vowel sounds. He sounded like he just woke up.

"Did you win?" I asked right away.

"Yup. Of course we did."


"How are you yukichin?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"Same. But they're still keeping me away from snacks." He whimpered.

"They're doing what's right."

"You're the culprit. And because of that, when I get home, you should buy me a loooooot of snacks." He sounded like a kid.

"I'll see what I can do." I smiled to myself, trying not to promise him anything.

"Really?" He hoped.


"Okay. I'll be counting on that." Then he sighed, "I wish you were here to watch me."

"But I'm not part of the team. I know you're doing your best anyway." I feel the same way.

"See you soon."


It ended. It was brief but I guess we had nothing more to say. He didn't have to say anything. I was just happy he remembered to call. The news of them winning wasn't a surprise but still I was assured.

The Empress and The Titan (KnB fanfic • Murasakibara x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum