Hank slowly drew himself a sinister smile and suggested to Eros, "You know, there are some people who could really use that to recover as well. Interested in selling?"

"Take them. I don't need them anymore." Eros handed over the remaining patches to Hank, who slowly inserted them into his bag.

"Thanks, I owe you one." At about this time, Eros took the patch off of Trapinch's head and walked to a trash can to throw it out. The waiter was at the table with two sets of dishes: two cups for the boys, two platters set on the ground for Pokemon. Hank spawned his Pikachu adjacent to a plate and both Pikachu and Trapinch started to drink. The waiter then prompted the boys to select an item from the menu.

"I'll take four of the specials." The waiter nodded, took the two menus on the table and left the boys once more. "Now for that explanation you owe me."

"Alright, but I'm not really supposed to say." Hank showed apathy at the statement.

"Why? Are you not allowed to tell me? I can keep a secret."

"I mean, no, but..." Eros was confused considering Cerci never spoke of the secrecy around Druidity. "... It's really, really, really important this stays a secret. And even if I tell you, even we can never speak of it again. Ever."

"What's the big deal?" Hank was getting impatient.

"If I tell you, I can only ask you to believe me. Mainly because you won't." Eros admitted to himself that even he was a bit impatient with himself, but Hank could see the reluctance on Eros' face. Hank replied with a wry smile once more.

"Humor me."

"I am learning... To become a Druid."

"Pardon me? A what?"

"It's kind of like a shapeshifter, but I can do a little magic. You know, growing trees and stuff."

Hank sat back in his chair, laughing at this statement. "Hahaha, I think you might have sniffed a bit of your own poison, Pepe- Eros." Hank was waiting for Eros to laugh with him, but he remained serious. "Well, if you say so. I mean, I'd rather believe some Pokemon hypnotized you into thinking that for laughs. You seem pretty serious." Hank bent over even more. "No, really, why did you kill him?"

"I'm serious."

"Nm-nmn. Wrong answer. I'm not letting you get away with lying to me. I'll find out what you're really up to, no matter what. I swear, I'ma find out what's up with you and that hot chick." The waiter returned with four sandwiches with various exotic berries, a dish fine enough for a pretentious asshole to order and send to the Internet to try and impress other pretentious assholes.

"So since you won't tell me the truth, why don't you tell me about your Trapinch?" Hank was intending to get more information out of Eros involving his time away.

"Oh, it's not mine."

"So it's a friend's?"

"No. I just haven't, you know, captured it."

"Really? That thing seems pretty friendly to you. I bet it could put up a good fight, too. Why haven't you done it yet?"

"I don't intend to keep it."

Hank nodded in understanding, while the Trapinch looked up at Eros, having easily finished its meal in a few bites with its massive jaws; it was now observing the boys and their conversation. On the other hand, the Pikachu was acting dumb and cute and stuff for no reason. Surprise.

Eros broke into an immediate laughter for no known reason; Hence, Hank asked, "What is it?"

"I did it. And I'm alive. I actually did it." The moment caught up with Eros as he just realized that he got away with KILLING someone, and he was right by all means to do it as far as he knew. "Today was quite a rush."

PokèDruids [PkmnWattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now