'Fine, mam.' Andy replied and they left the room.

The moment they were out of the room. Ron said 'That was an incredible experience in using Dark magic.' and the exact moment he completed his sentence. Andy stamped on his foot. He cried and asked. 'Ouch, why did stamp me with those heels.'

'You know this is one of the advantages of wearing heels. To stamp the feet of idiots like you. Didn't Mrs. Winson say not to speak about this to anyone but the moment you stepped out of her office? You are screaming it out loud for the whole world to hear.'

'Arjun, Alen. Take him and go. We can't afford another fight like this.' Shannon said.

'Alen, take Ron back. I will meet you both in a while.' Arjun said. Shannon gazed into his eyes. The same sensation that she felt inside Mrs Winson's office overwhelmed her again. There was something wrong, she could just sense it.

'Arjun, it's one in the morning.' Alen replied.

'It's one meaning-.' Ron started but his voice turned into a whisper.

'Yes!' Arjun raised his hands, signaling the conversation was over.

'Come back soon and no lingering around.' Ron said turning serious.

'What are you three talking about.' Shannon questioned.

'Nothing.' Alen said, but Shannon understood that he was trying to put the topic away. 'Okay, we are heading back. See you in class.' Turning to Arjun. 'Do not forget. We will be awake till you come.'

Once three of them left. Shannon wondered aloud. 'I suppose, you wear heels to stamp Ron's poor helpless legs, Andy.'

'Shannon.' Andy screamed as they all laughed.

'Girls, you go ahead. I need to use the restroom.' Shannon lied.

'Okay, we are going.' Rachel stated. 'Come back soon.' As the darkness of the corridor swallowed, her friends vanished.

Shannon then turned back and quietly knocked. 'Come in.' Mrs Winson said sharply.

Mrs Winson was standing towards the curtain wall. Deeply in thought, her eyes were reading the night sky. 'What is it, Shannon.' She asked, without even turning towards her.

'Mam, I am sorry to disturb you. But I wanted to ask you something. And I am not sure whether I should ask it or not.' She hesitated; her eyes were roaming in the dim light seeking for the right word.

'Are you not sure or is it the fact that the question your mind is seeking is rather a question that you are afraid to ask.'

'I don't know-

'I know exactly what you are thinking.' She said turning around and looking intently into Shannon. 'Isn't it why I asked you all not to say about today's events to anyone.'

'Yes, mam.' Shannon answered. 'But maybe it's my problem. I lived my life on earth and these things are-

'Shannon.' Mrs Winson's voice reigned over the room. 'Trust me, I will never do anything that will cause harm to my students and to anyone whose life stands in the walls of this academy.

You may find it surprising but Light and its principles are entirely different from Earth. Here humanity isn't a topic of discussion but of ignorance. Facts and evidence stands more important than anyone's life. Innocent or guilty is decided based on your trial in the court not based on truth.'

'But facts, evidence, or anything at all. Is there to support the truth?  A court or trial isn't a foundation for facts or evidence but for justice. Shreds of evidence can be tampered with. False eyewitnesses can be made up. Then how can you say like that.'

'What all you said now is exactly what this community fails to understand. But I am helpless. For me, the staff and students are more prior. If today's events spread out. Then the lakhs of staff and millions of students here will face a lifetime of problems because of me. Whoever was present here in the academy will be seen as a Dark magic user. And they will run all sorts of tests on you. Which I will not afford as long as I stand this post. The children and the staff are under my responsibility.

My hands are tied here. I need to protect you and everyone here. I will never let your life be spoiled because of some mishappenings. Shannon, I understand you. 'Light' is a very different place from what you have seen till today. And I will never blame you for the questions you asked. It's your right.'

'Mam, I am sorry. I doubted your intentions.'

'No need to be sorry. You are unaware of how this universe runs. If you want help with anything at all. Talk to me as a friend. I will help you with every single problem you are facing.'

'I do not have any-

'Stop lying. I have been the headmistress of this academy for several years now. I can read the face of a student and your face is like an open book. But yes, if you find it hard to talk to me. Then share it with your friends or parents. But talk to someone about it. It will ease your pain.'

'Mam, it is not that I do not trust you. I do trust you more than anything, especially after what happened today. It's that I feel, whatever happened today is just the start of the bigger storm that is going to upheal. And I feel like I do not know who I am myself, something tells me there is a long way ahead of me and this is all just a small spark.'

'Shannon, today I will repeat to you something that a long time ago a person told me. Destiny is obstinate and it will not rest until it unties you with what you need to deal with.

Years ago, I remember the same question being asked, in this same office. And that day I was unable to give the correct answer. Her problems were very different from yours. But in the end, the destiny written for both of you was beyond understanding.'

'What is my destiny, mam'

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